Supper/Dinner Time ! What's on the menu?

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Aubergine and date stew with rose water rice. Strangely sweet for dinner, but absolutely delicious.
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Baked tofu (it's not burnt, that's the marinade!), mashed potatoes, roasted broccoli, corn & kidney beans

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Spaghetti with sauce with quinoa, mushroom, onion, spinnach, ginger, garlic and chilli. Yummy!
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A morel mushroom flavoured tofu burger in almond crust served with French green beans and a red cabbage salad.

A slice of warm apple and vanilla pie with Oatly cream for dessert.
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OMG that looks fantastic.

I am going to make lentil chili, cornbread and cashew "sour cream". And I may make an orange spice cake.

OMG, this chili and cornbread is awesome!
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I had pretty good success veganizing my mom's recipe for cornbread. The recipe in Veganomicon is the one I use most now. Speaking of Veganomicon, I can't find it.
Last night I made a pasta sauce by throwing silken tofu, onions, bell peppers, crushed red pepper, salt, pepper, onion & garlic powder and nutritional yeast in the food processor. I'm low on groceries.

Tonight.. Probably chili.
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Burgers and potato mash. Both home made. I had to use all my potatoes today, and I'm trying to eat a bit empty in the fridge, freezer and cupboards before I buy new things. :P

I found a recepie in the burger book I wanted to try out. I read first "chickpeas", but it was "split peas". But I made it with chickpeas anyway. And it was tasty! Chickpeas, soy youghurt, sesam oil, curry powder and then I took chickpea flour insted of normal flouer only...
Chili and it was GOOD! Don't know if it was exceptionally tasty, or if I was exceptionally grateful after skipping lunch but damn it was good :)
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Maple roasted parsnips and potato wedges.

Strawberry, kiwi and banana fruit salad with yogurt and chia seeds for dessert.

I wish that I could have had a few Lincolnshire bangers to go with the vegetables.
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I had yummy vegan chili and rice for lunch and it filled me up so I'm just having a wrap with houmous, spinach, tomatoes and harissa with some glasses of white wine.
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Pasta sallad. Quinona pasta, onion, garlic, ginger, corn, pinapple, spinnach and pesto. But I forgott to put the pine nuts in... :(

Edit: And I had a box of lentils in it too!
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