Supper/Dinner Time ! What's on the menu?

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From the book "The Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet". It has 101 burger recepies! A lot of them have beans and gluten flour, so I have to try them out with lentils, chickpeas or someting and other sort of flouer. But it's an excellent book for people like me that struggle with the burgers.

The one I made today was Jalapeno Cornbread Burger.

1 cup TVP granules
2 tbs taco seasoning
1 tbs cumin
1 cup water
1 cup yellow cornmeal
16-20 slices of jalapeno
1/4 cup juice from the jalapeno glass (I just used water, I don't fancy the juices)
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup all-purpose flouer (I used chick pea flouer, I din't have any other glutenfree flouer today)
1 cup diced yellow or white onion
1/2 cup yellow corn kernels
1/2 diced redd bell pepper (optional)
salt and pepper

- Mix the TVP
- Add cornmeal, jalapenos, jalapeno juice, oil, flouer, onion, corn, bell pepper, salt and pepper. Knead until all the cornmeal and flouer is absorbed.
- Refrigerate for ca 20 minutes
- Form into 6 patties (I got 7, I wasn't very accurate with the onion, corn and bellpepper)
- Fry in pan or bake in oven (180 C for 25-30 minutes)

And for me it helped letting them rest and cool down.
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Leftover aubergine and vegan cheddar bake.
Beefsteak tomatoes (peeled and thinly sliced) with sliced avocado and a slice of soya and mushroom loaf with evo and Cornish sea salt.
Fresh apricots for dessert.
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Lovely leftovers ; white aubergine and Daiya cheddar bake, a lemon and chilli fritter with crudités and guacamole.

Blueberries for dessert.
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I had dinner at my neighbour's who has a ground floor flat. We had tomatoes from her garden with herbes, braised aubergine and courgettes. Cauliflower and carrots.
Fresh fruit salad with mint for dessert.
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Your food look so delicious shyvas!

I had sushi today. Good way to start with take away when I got my new pans! :P
Your friend sets a lovely table, shyvas. Food looks great.
Your food look so delicious shyvas!

I had sushi today. Good way to start with take away when I got my new pans! :p

I didn't prepare the food Mikkel as I was invited by my neighbour.
Your friend sets a lovely table, shyvas. Food looks great.

She does have an nice flat and has exquisite taste. The food was nice but I was still hungry when I got home.:D
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Millet tabouleh made with organic tomatoes (which my neighbour gave me) cucumbers with fresh mint and parsley. V Bites chick'n style nuggets.

Apricots and nectarine for dessert.
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Um, I'm crashing the dinner party, shyvas. Wow, that all looks so amazing!
I had a black bean burger on a Kaiser roll with the following fixins: roasted green peppers, red onion, pickles, sauteed kale topped with Daiya mozzarella, tomatoes and mustard. It was delicious. I was so full, I didn't have room for any dessert.
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Stuffed ( soya mince,millet, mushroom, almonds, nooch and a million herbs and spices) roast peppers, served with basil sauce and spicy sweet potato chips.

Blueberry crumble made with coconut flour and ground almonds, served with soya cream for dessert.
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A veggie burger made with soya mince and mushrooms, with smoked chipotle hot sauce and sliced home grown tomatoes with sea salt.

A nectarine for dessert.
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Stuffed round courgettes from the local veg farm.
I made a stuffing with soya mince, mushrooms, smoked paprika,shallots, garlic flakes and local grown tomatoes. All seasoned with balsamic vinegar and liquid smoke.

Served with a huge drizzle of basil evo.

A nectarine for dessert.
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