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You can go wish Mike Pence a happy birthday here.

Swears get filtered out, make sure whatever you write in the name slot won't get caught by a word filter but make it mean enough.

Here is a random zipcode generator. Don't use your real email.
Unfortunately you can not add any greetings, just a name.

Too bad, I wanted to wish Mr. Pence that I sincerely hope he soon becomes president as laid out in the 25th amendment of the constitution.
Those of us who don't like Trump and wish he could be removed from the presidency are caught in a real dilemma, because he'd be replaced with Mike Pence, who would be a different awful president, owing to his blatant homophobia and anti-woman views. Plus, he'd probably pick a new vice president who would be even worse than either Trump or Pence in many ways, and if Pence himself was somehow impeached, we'd have a new president nobody voted for or knows anything about. Much like Gerald Ford back in the 1970's, although Ford wasn't as bad as Republicans tend to be these days. I don't think Ford was ready to be president when he became president, so he was seen as a bit of a bumbler, but well meaning. Republicans these days are just MEANER.
I was thinking like that, but IMO the risk of president Pence is no longer worse than the reality of president Twimp.

At least, that guy won't start WWIII to improve his ratings.
I was thinking like that, but IMO the risk of president Pence is no longer worse than the reality of president Twimp.

At least, that guy won't start WWIII to improve his ratings.
Or when someone hurts his feelings.
You can go wish Mike Pence a happy birthday here.

Swears get filtered out, make sure whatever you write in the name slot won't get caught by a word filter but make it mean enough.

Here is a random zipcode generator. Don't use your real email.

Unfortunately you can not add any greetings, just a name.

Too bad, I wanted to wish Mr. Pence that I sincerely hope he soon becomes president as laid out in the 25th amendment of the constitution.

Just get creative!
Full Name: Resign U. Dick
Email Address: climatechangeisreal@wakeup.com
Just a couple random thoughts I had last night....

Maybe Starbucks can start offering hot covfefe with sugugar and creameamer. :weird:

And regarding Heir Frumpenstein... if nothing else, he'll go down in history books as America's first orange president. :p
There's a real chance that Donald Trump will be impeached after James Comey's testimony | The Independent

I heard on the news just now that the bars in Washington have opened early as people want to watch the show. One bar is offering free drinks every time DT tweets.:D

Bar offers 'free drinks every time Donald Trump tweets' during James Comey Russia testimony

The House is Republican. It won't bring articles of impeachment, even if dt shoots his man in the middle of 5th Avenue.

The Democrats would have to take both the House and the Senate in 2018 before there would be any chance o impeachment, and the congressional districts have been gerrymandered in such a fashion by the GOP that taking the House is an extreme long shot for the Democrats.
The House is Republican. It won't bring articles of impeachment, even if dt shoots his man in the middle of 5th Avenue.

Well, they might, if they think they have better chances with Pence.

I personally would prefer Pence, even if he might be a much better politician (which is, of course, bad, as he would likely be more effective at doing the evil work of the GOP), but apart from the lower chance of Twimp starting a war somewhere, I think that Pence will be less attractive to the general public (and to the deplorables) than Twimp, so it might be easier to get rid of him politically in a few years.

And yes, I still call them "deplorables", but "reprehensibles" or "despicables" might also work.
All these words are fitting synonyms for GOP voters and sympathizers to me.
The fact that many of these were just too stupid to think through and understand what President Twimp would mean for them, personally, is not really mitigating, to me.
Donald Trump's lawyer has 'President' spelled wrong in very first sentence of his Comey testimony response

It's possible the lawyer just yelled at some unpaid flunky in his office to type up something that sounds plausible and would make Trump sound completely innocent of everything, and he'd immediately sign it and get it right out. ;)
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