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Some news today, good for an Americal student who had been incarcerated in North Korea.

North Korea released an American student. Dennis Rodman's visit probably had nothing to do with it.

What I found interesting was the following paragraph:

The article said:
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson did not mention Rodman in a statement released Tuesday morning. “At the direction of the President, the Department of State has secured the release of Otto Warmbier from North Korea,” read the statement.

I guess it's good to know that the US state department, at the direction of the president, is now able to tell the North Koreans what to do. Finally some tangible achievement of the Twimp administration :D
Run for something!

I clicked on that article in my Apple News feed after I had come home form my morning run, thinking it was about sports.

It is actually much more interesting, as it shares a website that offers free campaign training to normal people to run for any kind of political office, be it for a city council, school board, judge and more.
Andrew Tobias said:
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This is what has been so frustrating: "No matter what you throw at him, it hasn't worked," Moore said. "No matter what is revealed, he remains standing. Facts, reality, brains cannot defeat him. Even when he commits a self-inflicted wound, he gets up the next morning and keeps going and tweeting."

I think our tolerance, as a nation, for corruption/crime/greed is at an all-time high. We seem unfazed by it all and we just accept it as part of our existence. I keep thinking how Watergate, which was a scandal of the highest order back in the day, would get "news brief" treatment or maybe a day's worth of news in today's America.

I definitely will watch this movie when it comes out.
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I think our tolerance, as a nation, for corruption/crime/greed is at an all-time high. We seem unfazed by it all and we just accept it as part of our existence. I keep thinking how Watergate, which was a scandal of the highest order back in the day, would get "news brief" treatment or maybe a day's worth of news in today's America.

This. I don't know how we will ever get back to normal after dt is out of office. If this is the new normal, God help us all.
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Trump betraying all his health care promises is the biggest Trump scandal of all

The article said:
The centerpiece of the Trump-endorsed American Health Care Act, by contrast, is a $600 billion tax cut. Families with incomes below $208,500 per year will see their taxes fall by an average of $0 per year, receiving none of that money.

But members of the top 0.1 percent of the income distribution — households with an annual income of more than $3.75 million — will see their taxes fall by an average of $165,090 per year.
I had second thoughts and deleted my post. Lol. Sorry.
Urk. This sounds like an assassination attempt by weird pizza. Maybe it's no coincidence that the company is named after an assassinated politician?
Perhaps it could be advertised in the Playbill for the very Trumpified current production of Julius Caesar....
I was in NYC for a week, was seriously thinking about attending a showing of the 'controversial' Caesar play (I do love Shakespeare). I'm glad I didn't because apparently a bunch of right-wing protestors crashed the thing and are now painting themselves as victims on social media, because all they wanted to do was 'stop the assassination of the president' (apparently our president is Julius Caesar and putting on a play where things happen is equivalent to doing those things. And also the play apparently condones assassination. Good to know).
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