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Even in the wake of all this nonsense, it's important we don't get our hopes up. Remember how long it took to impeach Nixon, even with damning evidence, way more than we have here. And remember that he resigned before he could be kicked out, something Trump would never do in a quintillion years. I fully expect Trump to be around for the majority of his first term, if not a chunk of a second term (we have to prepare ourselves for that possibility because this country has collectively lost its ******* mind and just keeps banging its head against the wall saying, "stop hitting yourself!").

Also: Pence would be bad, maybe worse in terms of policy, but the important thing right now is to focus every bit of our effort on getting Trump out of office before he does any more damage with his chaotic mindset and decaying facilities. Whether that means President Pence, or even President Paul Ryan, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it and if the last few months have been any indication we'll cross it hard.
He's so immature. He got his widdle fee-fees all hurt because he doesn't want to be reminded that everywhere he goes, people don't like him.
Even in the wake of all this nonsense, it's important we don't get our hopes up. Remember how long it took to impeach Nixon, even with damning evidence, way more than we have here. And remember that he resigned before he could be kicked out, something Trump would never do in a quintillion years. I fully expect Trump to be around for the majority of his first term, if not a chunk of a second term (we have to prepare ourselves for that possibility because this country has collectively lost its ****ing mind and just keeps banging its head against the wall saying, "stop hitting yourself!").

Also: Pence would be bad, maybe worse in terms of policy, but the important thing right now is to focus every bit of our effort on getting Trump out of office before he does any more damage with his chaotic mindset and decaying facilities. Whether that means President Pence, or even President Paul Ryan, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it and if the last few months have been any indication we'll cross it hard.
I really believe he isn't going anywhere. We can only hope that he will only serve one term and that we will be able to recover from whatever damage he inflicts upon the country.
Ruh-roh! ‘Marked Man’ Attorney General Jeff Sessions Abruptly Cancels Public Testimony :hmm:

Judd Legum at Think Progress said, “Instead of testifying publicly before the appropriations committees, where these matters could be discussed in the light of day, Sessions will appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee. The Washington Post and USA Today report that Sessions’ appearance is expected to be closed.”

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Five bucks says some Trump fans will refuse to believe a 3-year-old was really responsible, and it's a coded message JUST FOR THEM! I'm completely serious; some idiots are already convinced the covfefe tweet was also a coded message JUST FOR THEM!
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