NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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I guess Putin would feel a little bit embarrassed to publicly acknowledge that somebody as astute as Dump was his vassall.
I guess Putin would feel a little bit embarrassed to publicly acknowledge that somebody as astute as Dump was his vassall.
Yeah, Putin is a former KGB agent, he can keep secrets,- this is it:p. And there are no "former" KGB agents, IMO.:D
Indeed. Dump, on the other hand, is a former ... uh .... well, guess you could call him a spoilt trust-fund man-child.
Giuliani seems to say whatever he's thinking and talks a lot of rubbish. No wonder Trump liked him enough to hire him.
The spokeswoman for first lady Melania Trump pushed back Thursday on the assertion from President Donald Trump's outside attorney, Rudy Giuliani, that she "believes her husband" about porn star Stormy Daniels's allegation of a 2006 affair.

"I don't believe Mrs. Trump has ever discussed her thoughts on anything with Mr. Giuliani," her spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, told The New York Times. Reached by Business Insider, Grisham said she had nothing more to add.

Melania Trump's office disputes Rudy Giuliani's comments about her thoughts on Stormy Daniels

Oh, snap.
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Someone wrote TRUMP 2020 on a dirty window of the Home Hardware store. My god. I hope the madness doesn't spread to Canada when it's time for our federal elections . . . the Conservative party won the provincial election last night, which has freaked out all the liberals.
Body language speaks louder than words....


Argh! You beat me to it! I was going to post this: Merkel shares photo of her with Trump on sidelines of G-7

You don’t need a body language interpreter to decipher what’s going on with Herr Twitler. In fact, I’m hoping the internet comes up with a fun “let’s caption this photo” game, with hilarious results. Let me get the ball rolling:

Merkel: “Let’s go over this ONE more time. Did you or did you not steal my piece of sachertorte while I was busy discussing climate change with the other leaders?”
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