NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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I also like Krugman quite a bit.... Opinion | Debacle in Quebec
there has never been a disaster like the G7 meeting that just took place. It could herald the beginning of a trade war, maybe even the collapse of the Western alliance. At the very least it will damage America’s reputation as a reliable ally for decades to come; even if Trump eventually departs the scene in disgrace, the fact that someone like him could come to power in the first place will always be in the back of everyone’s mind.

Sweet christ, can there be even one single hour where Trump isn't a colossal f*cking embarrassment?!? :fp:
I don't give a crap about awards shows, but apparently DeNiro delivered a bleeped out "F*ck Trump" at the Tony's... and look at the reaction.... :up:

Bobby-D!! :hh:


I actually wonder how conflicted Trump supporters are about Robert DeNiro.... I mean, he's this guy & he's that guy, to so many people....

Maybe he should run in 2020.... :cool: LMAO



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I have to state, however, that I personally do NOT subscribe to the "general mindset among Law Enforcement Officials" that "only guilty people challenge investigation/prosecution", thus, only a guilty person would invoke their 5th Amendment rights ...
That is not how I understand the 5th Amendment to work....
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Slightly off topic to some of the comments above, but Trump sees to divide people into good or bad based too much on their dealings with him rather than other things. I mean, if the meeting tomorrow (or should I say today depending on how I interpret the timezone to Asia) goes well, he could, at least temporarily have Kim in his good books as one of his chums and Trudeau as one of the bad guys.

Even the liberal media are hardly discussing the horrific human rights abuses in North Korea in the context of this summit.

Still unsure on how this could go. Kim, aside from clearly being evil scum, himself may be a narcissist with limited intelligence so there's a chance that they could hit it off. Then again, two big egos and it could blow up as well.
Fun fact ... I do not recall ever reading any article that mentioned Dump where I did not have, during reading it, to shake my head a few times and say to myself "Wow! What an *******!"
(And that actually goes back to way before he became interested in politics)

He must be a natural ... *******!
But then, he is likely not the cause, he is only the symptom/figurehead/epitome for what is wrong in the world (and the US specifically).
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