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I am also not a fan of violence. Even if directed at a scumbag like Richard Spencer.
There was a strange article in the local paper.

Tennessee yarn shop asks 'women's movement' supporters to shop elsewhere

From the yarn shop's Facebook page:

With the recent women's march on Washington, I ask that you if you want yarn for any project for the women's movement that you please shop for yarn elsewhere. The vulgarity, vile and evilness of this movement is absolutely despicable. That kind of behavior is unacceptable and is not welcomed at The Joy of Knitting. I will never need that kind of business to remain open. Two wrongs will never ever make it right.

As the owner of this business and a Christian, I have a duty to my customers and my community to promote values of mutual respect, love, compassion, understanding, and integrity. The women's movement is counterproductive to unity of family, friends, community, and nation.

I do pray for these women. May the God work out His love in their hearts and continue to heal and unite Americans.


Now, can anyone explain to me why the majority of women voters in the last election voted for Trump?
Would you please post the URL where this list can be found?
Someone on Facebook posted the list in a group I'm in. I haven't been able to find it listed anywhere else that I could post a link too. If I do end up finding one, I will definitely post it.
Yeah, personally I would spit at his feet, not punch him.
I think I'd probably split the difference & spit in his face. LOL :p
Not the GOP - they need the DT supporters to win their own elections.
Hey, ya never know! Personally, I think the majority of the GOP is sh*tting its collective shorts right now.
There was a strange article in the local paper.

Tennessee yarn shop asks 'women's movement' supporters to shop elsewhere

From the yarn shop's Facebook page:

Now, can anyone explain to me why the majority of women voters in the last election voted for Trump?
One possible reason: Not enough of the women who don't share her views showed up to vote. Complacency has cost us plenty.
Donald Trump reminds me a little of the star quarterback who coasts through high school doing the bare minimum (and probably cheats by paying for stolen tests) because he's already got a college football scholarship waiting for him, and still brags that he's the best student in school because he's used to getting his way and having everything handed to him. The only difference being, far from being athletic, Donald Trump is clearly a heart attack waiting to happen.
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Donald Trump reminds me a little of the star quarterback who coasts through high school doing the bare minimum (and probably cheats by paying for stolen tests) because he's already got a college football scholarship waiting for him, and still brags that he's the best student in school because he's used to getting his way and having everything handed to him. The only difference being, far from being athletic, Donald Trump is clearly a heart attack waiting to happen.
We've got a giant, spoiled, tantrum-throwing trust-fund-baby for president. :fp:
Someone on Facebook posted the list in a group I'm in. I haven't been able to find it listed anywhere else that I could post a link too. If I do end up finding one, I will definitely post it.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. :)
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