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Now, can anyone explain to me why the majority of women voters in the last election voted for Trump?

The majority of white women voters voted for dt. 54% of women voted for Hillary Clinton, 42% voted for dt.
The majority of white women voters voted for dt. 54% of women voted for Hillary Clinton, 42% voted for dt.

Thank you for that correction. But why would a majority of white women voters vote for someone as misogynistic as Trump?
Thank you for that correction. But why would a majority of white women voters vote for someone as misogynistic as Trump?

Believe me, I don't understand it either.

But then, I don't understand how anyone, male or female, racist or not, can vote for someone who mocks disabled people.

To try to answer your question though - there are a lot of misogynistic women. Often they don't even realize it themselves, but many are quite open about it.
Oops. I accidentally deleted my long post. Oh, well.

Internalized misogyny.

Believe me, I don't understand it either.

But then, I don't understand how anyone, male or female, racist or not, can vote for someone who mocks disabled people.

To try to answer your question though - there are a lot of misogynistic women. Often they don't even realize it themselves, but many are quite open about it.

What they said.
Richard Spencer got punched again.


For the record, this was on the same day as the first punch and the photos are just now coming out. On the one hand, this is unfortunate because it means the situation hasn't progressed since the initial incident. On the other hand... oh my god he got punched twice in one day.

I am also not a fan of violence. Even if directed at a scumbag like Richard Spencer.

This is very idealistic, but you need to remember, this is a man who has advocated for the literal extermination of Black folks. This is the leader of the Fascist movement that is very quickly gaining ground here in the USA. Someone like Richard Spencer has an ideology which is, by its very nature, violent. If he had his way, a lot of innocent people would at best be completely disenfranchised and at worst, just flat out be put in death camps. This man wants more Holocausts. He doesn't deserve even the slightest bit of sympathy, especially over something as comparatively tame as being clocked in the head.

Violent ideologies like nazism and Fascism don't go away when you reason with them. Their whole foundation is that they are unreasonable. Debating them just gives them a platform to spread their views. They're smart - they know they're not going to convince the non-nazi they're debating. All they want is to spread their hate over a wide range and hope it reaches someone they can recruit.

We're entering a very slippery age where Fascism could very easily take hold in a LOT of places, including the ones we always foolishly assumed it wouldn't take hold in. Denying people who want this to happen - who are selfish enough to put their own lives before literally millions of innocent people - even the slightest sliver of compromise is the only chance we have to hold it off. However you feel about violence, people with violent ideologies 100% deserve the violence they receive because they are unflinchingly violent to innocent people.

It's important to remember here - and maybe this is controversial on this forum, but I'll say it anyway - that violence isn't always a bad thing. Violence liberated the concentration camps during WWII. Violence stopped Osama bin Laden from furthering his terrorist agenda. Violence, when used correctly, stops millions of innocent people from dying. Similarly, unrestricted pacifism isn't always a good thing. Gandhi actually advocated that the Jewish victims of nazi genocide lay down and let it happen rather than try to fend it off, which is beyond misguided. If we are to shift our focus from pure idealism (which saves few) to direct action (which saves many, demonstrably, throughout history) then we have to be willing to let people who mean harm to innocents eat it, hard. And we also have to be willing to help that happen through whatever means necessary, within our control and within our personal ability, with regard to the amount we are willing to risk our own safety and comfort to help it happen.

And in case you doubt the effectiveness of punching nazis (which is, as I mentioned, a very small bit of violence that doesn't even cause permanent damage) at crippling their movement, here's a message from Richard Spencer in this article:

Richard Spencer said:
“I was planning to go out tomorrow during the Women’s March to do some journalism but I can’t do that anymore, ” Spencer told viewers. “I have reached a stage of being a public figure where I am going to be recognised and then be attacked."

Making someone like Spencer afraid to preach his hate is key to stopping him and people like him. White supremacy needs to be shut down, not coddled.

This got long, but it's incredibly important that we don't let nazism slide like this.

Internalized misogyny.

Don't forget racism. Prioritizing race over gender is a pretty big thing. Racists knew they'd be safe - white men being prioritized, white women being second priority but still held above other marginalized groups - so they voted with their white supremacy in mind.
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The new rouge White House staff Twitter account.
Rogue POTUS Staff (@RoguePOTUSStaff) on Twitter

Hard to tell if this is fake or not, but part of me doesn't care. The fact that so many alt accounts for governmental agencies, real and fake, have been emerging all over the place is amazing. Confusing the POS, I mean POTUS, and muddying the waters of his staff's attempted rigid structure will allow more and better activism to happen.
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Also, I hate to triple-post, but I am pre-emptively going to say that any attempt to write off Spencer's views as ultimately peaceful due to his supposed policy of "peaceful ethnic cleansing" should be met with the person asking whether or not a white supremacist wants to really exterminate other races in a mean way taking a good long look at themselves and their motivations. Even attempting to debate the logistics of his proposed "peaceful ethnic cleansing" is missing the point to a hilarious degree, and does nothing but legitimize an ideology that literally believes white people are superior.
A friend of a friend got his picture, name, info about him and his Facebook posts, posted in a Breitbart article because he had planned to go to a protest (which was canceled) where a Breitbart reporter/editor was speaking. The others posting on the event who had planned to go were also included. Of course the comments were calling them terrorists and threatening them, which I'm sure was the intent of the article in the first place. I feel bad and a little worried for him.
This stuff is getting crazy. :sigh:
Sometimes I wonder if unseen forces want to incite riots and unrest... like I remember Trump during the Apprentice.. he was a creep, enjoyed firing people, but he wasnt all crazy and out there like he is now...

I wonder if he is not paid to stand up there and raise hell... perhaps he is fed the lines he should say that would divide people the most.
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Sometimes I wonder if unseen forces want to incite riots and unrest... like I remember Trump during the Apprentice.. he was a creep, enjoyed firing people, but he wasnt all crazy and out there like he is now...

I wonder if he is not paid to stand up there and raise hell... perhaps he is fed the lines he should say that would divide people the most.

The more power a narcissist gets, the less constrained he becomes in his narcissism.
Don't forget racism. Prioritizing race over gender is a pretty big thing. Racists knew they'd be safe - white men being prioritized, white women being second priority but still held above other marginalized groups - so they voted with their white supremacy in mind.
Yeah, this is underscored by the fact that over ninety percent of black women voted for Hillary, while a majority of white women voted for dt.

The inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States has unleashed a wave of anger across the country. Faced with the frightening prospect of an authoritarian right wing government, many people have chosen to take their opposition to the streets. In the days surrounding Trump's inauguration, Washington DC became the scene of continuous disruptions and resistance. On the day after the inauguration, one of the largest international mobilization in recent history took place with an estimated 4.8 million people marching on over 700 cities around the world. These days of action marked a clear rejection of the Trump administration and the global rise of right-wing populism.
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