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I've done stupid things because I was depressed before, and been really rude - sometimes even cruel - in situations resulting from me being Autistic. Doesn't make those things okay.

Also, be cautious when it comes to armchair psychology, especially surrounding people like Cheeto. Could just be that he's a piece of ****, plain and simple. And even if he's a (clinical) narcissist, that doesn't in the remotest way give him a pass for his behavior, or mean that you should feel bad for him. Plenty of people live with stuff like ASPD and don't make others' lives a living hell for it.
I'm not giving him a pass for anything he's done/doing, and I think he should be in prison for what he has done. I know the majority of why I feel sorry for him is that it reminds me of when my dad was taken advantage of when he wasn't thinking logically anymore from his cancer. He thought something was wrong with his car (it was fine) and Pep Boys took full advantage of it and ran up his credit card as high as they could. I managed to get them to reimburse half of it. I can't help feeling bad when I see elderly/mentally ill people being used. :oops:
And I feel awful for feeling bad for someone like him, that's why my brain hurts. :p
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I've always had a problem with Andrew Jackson (the "Most Vicious President" referred to in your second link- I had thought it was referring to him even before I clicked on it to make sure).

Living in a blue state as I do, I've had issues with some of the things leftists have done, and it sometimes seemed like they had their way all the time (except maybe during the Reagan years), but I decided early on that Trump posed too many problems and couldn't vote for him. Actually, I'm hoping that quite a few people who did vote for Trump are having second thoughts, if only privately. Can't count on that, though... I don't remember Trump trying to hide his agenda and everyone should have known who and what we were getting.
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I am just not entirely sure he doesnt know what he is doing.. I have a tin foil hat theory that he and his "buddies" want to cause unrest.
I hope it's huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.

Listen, okay, the thing about these protests, and believe me I know, the thing about the protests is that they're great. Unbelievable. I was talking to my friend Sean Hannity, great guy, Sean Hannity from Fox and Friends, and he said to me, Donald, he says, you have the biggest protests. The protests you get are always very big. And it's true. Look at the protests, you can't make that up, I mean, Donald Trump gets the best protests. Believe me. They're huge. Just the best protests you've ever seen.

Remember, whether or not he's doing it entirely on purpose, the guy isn't senile. He has a strategy and he utilizes it well.

In the coming weeks, months, years, you're going to feel an impulse at some point to try and accept this as normal, to agree to disagree with him (like any other politician) because it's easier than sustaining a healthy level of rage against his horrific actions. Don't let yourself fall into that line of thinking. He's an artist, and he's very good at what he does. His art is stupid and simple but it's astonishingly manipulative. Don't fall into that trap.

ETA: One more video from this guy I want to post. This one is perhaps even more important.

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Well this thread is going to run and run and run. The rush to cancel everything Obama has done, change things, issue executive orders without going outside his immediate circle, would make sense if he had won 52% of the vote and had popular support for these things. American politics, especially from the Republican side, often comes across as a power grab where people try to do as much as they can even though it doesn't reflect the views of all the people.

Trump is over-reaching. Too much, too fast. I would be protesting if I was an American citizen living in the US.

By the way, I don't take this idea that journalists are going to be put in jail for 10 years for covering a protest very seriously. No such thing will happen unless the journalists really did actually participate in the protests or incite violence.
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Well this thread is going to run and run and run. The rush to cancel everything Obama has done, change things, issue executive orders without going outside his immediate circle, would make sense if he had won 52% of the vote and had popular support for these things. American politics, especially from the Republican side, often comes across as a power grab where people try to do as much as they can even though it doesn't reflect the views of all the people.

Trump is over-reaching. Too much, too fast. I would be protesting if I was an American citizen living in the US.

By the way, I don't take this idea that journalists are going to be put in jail for 10 years for covering a protest very seriously. No such thing will happen unless the journalists really did actually participate in the protests or incite violence.

You can still protest. People all over the world have been protesting El Dumpo. Just make up a sign, invite a few friends, find a corner,and stand and protest. If you're close enough to the American embassy, even better. Let people in your community know how you feel. (If it doesn't get you tossed into prison for ten years, that is.).
As much as DT bothers and upsets me, it's nothing compared to the despair I feel over the fact that friends and family who voted for him think that what he's doing is necessary and perfectly ok. :(
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