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^Not sure of the year, but Seuss was writing for the NYC daily news in the early 1940's.
Like deja vu
I thought they were throwing an awful lot at us to wear us down and it seems like that is what they are doing. :( Working on us until we are too tired to resist.

This article is beyond frightening, but I think it's pretty accurate.

Is there any chance of getting the government back under control without a war (civil or world war)? It seems like that will be impossible at this point. I think trying to vote Democrats in in two years will be too little, too late. China has already moved their weapons within range of the U.S.
Chinese military says war with US 'becoming practical reality'
Mikhail Gorbachev: ‘The world is preparing for war'

That article by Jonathan Zounger (referenced in the first one) is also pretty interesting...

I was too afraid to the read that article after the first scared me to death. I'll have to get up my nerve and read it later.
There is another point of view that I think deserves consideration...

Mind you, I do not share Scott Adams' admiration for Trump and so also not his conclusion, but I think it is worth reading...
Scott Adams' Blog

Scott Adams said:
Trump’s temporary immigration ban set a mental anchor in your brain that is frankly shocking. It will make his eventual permanent immigration plan (”extreme vetting”) look tame by comparison. The Persuasion Filter says that’s his strategy. Because that’s ALWAYS his strategy. He acts the same way every time. He wrote a book about it. He talks about it publicly. Then he does it right in front of us, over and over. And no matter how many times he does it, half the country still thinks the opening offer is the real one.


But what about Trump’s critics on the far right who want more extreme immigration? Trump needs to negotiate with them too. And he is. He did that by showing them that his temporary offer was so extreme that people took to the streets. The system (America) is actively trying to eject Trump like some sort of cancer cell. And the worse it gets, with protests and whatnot, the more leverage Trump has to tell his far right supporters that he has gone as far as the country will let him go. He needed that. The protests are working in his favor. He couldn’t negotiate with the extreme right without them.

Are Trump’s temporary immigration plans chaotic? Yes. Do they hurt innocent people who were minding their own business? Yes, temporarily at least. Did he scare the pants off of half the country? Yes. Will there be lots of unintended damage from Trump’s immigration orders? Yes. No honest person should deny the cost component of the equation. It’s ugly.

Maybe that is why I personally am not a fan of this kind of negotiation...
By the way, I don't take this idea that journalists are going to be put in jail for 10 years for covering a protest very seriously. No such thing will happen unless the journalists really did actually participate in the protests or incite violence.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this guy is above doing hideously illegal **** to shut the opposition to him down. Half of his executive orders so far have been blatantly illegal or at the very least very sketchy. For instance, the Muslim ban is flagrantly unconstitutional, and despite all the resistance it's received, it still hasn't truly been shut down. Just halted in a few ways that made life a tiny bit easier for everyone who was already detained.
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