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I strongly doubt that :-(

The link I shared yesterday gives a pretty sensible explanation of Trumps behaviour ... negotiation tactics - those typically employed at the proverbial "bazaar", where the buyer offers 10, the seller asks for 100, and they meet somewhere in the middle around 50.

So he wants to implement "extreme vetting" ... and knows that some people will oppose him.

So what he does, is, he imposes a general ban, everybody howls and takes to the street, and after a week he takes it back to "only extreme vetting" and most people are placated.

That's most likely his strategy - or should I say, Bannon's.

I have not seen anything more than very cautious criticism of Trumps actions uttered by Republican senators. And now that Green Card holders are "allowed" to come back into the country again, I guess that those cautious voices will also be happy.

I don't mean public criticism. I mean the fact that in private, they're falling apart. Leaks from very reliable sources indicate his own aides can't stand him, and we all know the very revealing meltdown Kellyanne Conway had this last week.

Republican senators are cowards, but if they feel they've lost control of him enough, they will quietly assist in impeaching him (a process which will likely be started by Democrats, because when it comes to **** like this, they're mildly less spineless than Republicans).
In all fairness she never mentioned Jesus.
In all fairness she never mentioned Jesus.

But she does talk about "turning the other cheek" and walking around with "gaping seeping wounds," so some people made the inference from that language.
The idea kind of makes sense, cowards like this often get "showman" like characters to be their PR front because they lack any type of charisma.. he is probably like a limp rag onstage.
Here's what I think is the video. The "gaping, seeping wounds" bit comes near the end.

But it's even worse than you think. This b**** actually thinks members of the media who criticize Trump should be FIRED. She has the gall to use the phrase "free press" and then whines that the media aren't doing their duty to their SHAREHOLDERS. Well, when you're part of the corporate media, you can be the free press or you can bow down to the shareholders, but you can't do both. And remember, KAC is one of the foot soldiers for Trump, who wants to muzzle the media and deny them their first amendment rights because he doesn't like it when they're mean to him. That for me is the bigger takeaway from this video, and one that people should be talking more about, not just the Jesus comparison.
But she does talk about "turning the other cheek" and walking around with "gaping seeping wounds," so some people made the inference from that language.
Yes but I expected more, is all. I get the reference. It made it sound like she actually said it, though, IMO. I'm having a hard time with all of the craziness so, yeah, I'm being picky, lol. If I'm going to get mad, emotional, reactive, I'm going to pick my battles, so to speak. :)
Here's what I think is the video. The "gaping, seeping wounds" bit comes near the end.

But it's even worse than you think. This b**** actually thinks members of the media who criticize Trump should be FIRED. She has the gall to use the phrase "free press" and then whines that the media aren't doing their duty to their SHAREHOLDERS. Well, when you're part of the corporate media, you can be the free press or you can bow down to the shareholders, but you can't do both. And remember, KAC is one of the foot soldiers for Trump, who wants to muzzle the media and deny them their first amendment rights because he doesn't like it when they're mean to him. That for me is the bigger takeaway from this video, and one that people should be talking more about, not just the Jesus comparison.
Yes, that's the one I saw.
So far, 14 Democrats have voted "yes" for every single one of Trump's nominees, including Hillary Clinton's running mate, Tim Kaine.

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With Steve Bannon in an incredible position of power, I have no doubt he's the mastermind behind everything Trump has been doing so far, and that the headfake theory is true. Let's use the magic analogy because thanks to madamsarcastra, that's what's on my mind. The immigration ban was meant as a sleight of hand so we wouldn't notice what else was going on, especially involving Bannon. Prest-o chang-o, the ban was "fixed", but Americans are now divided and arguing with each other over it and not talking about anything else.
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