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I thought of the ban as their way of throwing the Trump supporters a bone to keep them happy and us busy while they go about executing their real plan.
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With Steve Bannon in an incredible position of power, I have no doubt he's the mastermind behind everything Trump has been doing so far, and that the headfake theory is true. Let's use the magic analogy because thanks to madamsarcastra, that's what's on my mind. The immigration ban was meant as a sleight of hand so we wouldn't notice what else was going on, especially involving Bannon. Prest-o chang-o, the ban was "fixed", but Americans are now divided and arguing with each other over it and not talking about anything else.
Misdirection! Works every time... Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush... and the tradition continues, in a much more vile, desperate, & frightening way. :poop:
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Me, too. And the video has been taken down.

Kellyanne Conway Has An Epic Meltdown And Compares Donald Trump To Jesus

Kellyanne Conway Has An Epic Meltdown And Compares Donald Trump To Jesus
I saw that Sunday! I worry about that woman, she's sooo good at what she does-it's so bad!
She doesn't say Jesus, but I was starting to go in the kitchen when I heard her start with the media and then go into the gaping, seeping wounds they get for supporting Trump. It was truly bizarre!
I don't know what to think, or what to do. I really would like this country divided already-literally
I saw that Sunday! I worry about that woman, she's sooo good at what she does-it's so bad!
She doesn't say Jesus, but I was starting to go in the kitchen when I heard her start with the media and then go into the gaping, seeping wounds they get for supporting Trump. It was truly bizarre!
I don't know what to think, or what to do. I really would like this country divided already-literally

I just said this to my coworker yesterday. She scares me.
Trump renews promise to roll back law limiting political activity by churches

If churches are willing to forgo their tax exempt status, I'm OK with this, as it could add 100's of billions to the Treasury coffers.

That's not what dt is proposing. He wants to get rid of the Johnson amendment, pursuant to which churches lose their tax-exempt status if they engage in political activity.

IOW, he wants churches to be both tax exempt AND permitted to engage in political activity.
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