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He's fired the acting AG who said the Justice Department would not fight challenges to the Muslim ban.

Shades of Richard M. Nixon during his meltdown period.
Illegal executive order is called out. People who call out illegal executive order and have some power to stop it are instantly fired.

So much for those checks and balances all the apathetic undecided folks were rambling about.
I have also had the suspicion that Drumpf wasnt supposed to win.

I think he was implanted in the Republican party and they were not happy about it... though now they are happy to be back in government, they actually wanted Ted Cruz or one of those other right wing bozos... not Drumpf...

but now he has won they had to change tack and now see him as a perfect tool for creating civil unrest... not sure why they want it but that is what they seem to want. Maybe to distract from something else.
I think the elites have been playing with our minds for centuries and it is time humanity focused on their local communities and fellow people.... as nothing good ever comes from these creeps, they just hoard wealth and then dictate to everyone.
I think he was implanted in the Republican party and they were not happy about it... though now they are happy to be back in government, they actually wanted Ted Cruz or one of those other right wing bozos... not Drumpf...

but now he has won they had to change tack and now see him as a perfect tool for creating civil unrest... not sure why they want it but that is what they seem to want. Maybe to distract from something else.

Oh, for sure. Cheeto is, in a way, their worst nightmare. He'll do what they tell him to do but he'll do a hell of a lot more than that. What he's doing right now is too much even for these hard right conservatives. I guarantee they will try to impeach him sooner or later and replace him with Pence, who is a much more conventional (if just as dangerous) candidate.
They might try and impeach them, but the problem is the people who put Drumpf there in the first place are above the Senate in the hierachy...
Oh, for sure. Cheeto is, in a way, their worst nightmare. He'll do what they tell him to do but he'll do a hell of a lot more than that. What he's doing right now is too much even for these hard right conservatives

I strongly doubt that :-(

The link I shared yesterday gives a pretty sensible explanation of Trumps behaviour ... negotiation tactics - those typically employed at the proverbial "bazaar", where the buyer offers 10, the seller asks for 100, and they meet somewhere in the middle around 50.

So he wants to implement "extreme vetting" ... and knows that some people will oppose him.

So what he does, is, he imposes a general ban, everybody howls and takes to the street, and after a week he takes it back to "only extreme vetting" and most people are placated.

I have not seen anything more than very cautious criticism of Trumps actions uttered by Republican senators. And now that Green Card holders are "allowed" to come back into the country again, I guess that those cautious voices will also be happy.
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Those negotiation tactics actually have applications in a lot of different fields. I remember working at a hospital in the 1990's when working, and being paid for, overtime was allowed. One time my supervisor came to me about a half an hour before my shift ended and asked me to work four hours of overtime. I was shocked and said I couldn't, but I COULD work one or two hours. The supervisor then asked me for two hours, and I agreed. When I related this incident to my mother later, she told me about that type of negotiation tactic, that they never really wanted four hours out of me, but wanted me to agree to two hours without complaint. It made sense when I thought about it.
Our government uses this tactic too, they have used it to push through some bad bills.
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