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That's not what dt is proposing. He wants to get rid of the Johnson amendment, pursuant to which churches lose their tax-exempt status if they engage in political activity.

IOW, he wants churches to be both tax exempt AND permitted to engage in political activity.
Wait for the Church of Satan to gain in popularity. That seems to be the only way to keep separation of church and state in place
Trump seems desperate to get into a war with somebody, anybody, and he doesn't care who. It's possibly because then he can make sure we win the war and everyone will love his role as a "peacemaker". In case anyone hasn't noticed, as someone with NPD, Trump has a serious need to be liked, loved, adored, worshipped. He wants to do stuff that brings him that adoration, regardless of what it is and who it hurts, because narcissists also lack empathy. It's also likely that he wants the US to go to war because it benefits the defense industry.
Trump seems desperate to get into a war with somebody, anybody, and he doesn't care who. It's possibly because then he can make sure we win the war and everyone will love his role as a "peacemaker". In case anyone hasn't noticed, as someone with NPD, Trump has a serious need to be liked, loved, adored, worshipped. He wants to do stuff that brings him that adoration, regardless of what it is and who it hurts, because narcissists also lack empathy. It's also likely that he wants the US to go to war because it benefits the defense industry.
I was thinking the same thing. He's picking fights with our allies, for crying out loud. As if our country doesn't have enough leaders/nations who hate us.
But it's even worse than you think. This b**** actually thinks members of the media who criticize Trump should be FIRED. She has the gall to use the phrase "free press" and then whines that the media aren't doing their duty to their SHAREHOLDERS. Well, when you're part of the corporate media, you can be the free press or you can bow down to the shareholders, but you can't do both. And remember, KAC is one of the foot soldiers for Trump, who wants to muzzle the media and deny them their first amendment rights because he doesn't like it when they're mean to him. That for me is the bigger takeaway from this video, and one that people should be talking more about, not just the Jesus comparison.

It's not even the Jesus thing about the gaping, seeping wounds that gets me. She's basically admitting that they're running themselves ragged trying to manage him. This administration is a nightmare even for those at the center of it.

So far, 14 Democrats have voted "yes" for every single one of Trump's nominees, including Hillary Clinton's running mate, Tim Kaine.


Absolutely pathetic. The amount of resistance we've seen from the people of this country is the only thing that reassures me. Meanwhile, Democratic politicians are totally content to just pretend like this is normal, and are actually trying to avoid obstructionism as if that f*cking means anything anymore. This isn't a little political game here between two opposing sides with acceptable differences, this is f*cking fighting Fascism. Our lawmakers need to step their goddamn game up.

Also, very disappointing to see Sanders and Warren approving 2/5 of them. I expect more of Sanders especially. And Booker, tbh, if he's expecting to run in 2020. Assuming the country/the government exists at that point.

With Steve Bannon in an incredible position of power, I have no doubt he's the mastermind behind everything Trump has been doing so far, and that the headfake theory is true. Let's use the magic analogy because thanks to madamsarcastra, that's what's on my mind. The immigration ban was meant as a sleight of hand so we wouldn't notice what else was going on, especially involving Bannon. Prest-o chang-o, the ban was "fixed", but Americans are now divided and arguing with each other over it and not talking about anything else.

I think it's worth considering the very likely alternative that Bannon and his goons really don't care about distracting us. They're not political masterminds, they just have insidious goals they want to act out. This is just the first step, to see what they can get away with. The answer, unfortunately, is 'a hell of a lot.'

I'm still not sure that impeaching Cheeto would be anything but a good thing for the country. Pence is already pretty much in charge here (as is everyone in the cabinet). Losing Cheeto would take a lot of the impulsivity out of this administration, which I think could only be a good thing, as it would avoid just straight out starting a world war. Pence is disgusting in all his own ways, but I think he'd be easier to manage than Cheeto, and kept more in check by wanting to maintain his image.

Hey, the cigarette lady from Futurama is hilarious and doesn't deserve this kind of slander!
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Wow, just in the last day or two I'm reading about people with mental health issues now being able to buy guns, the killing of Middle Eastern kids, and the cancellation of a rule allowing coal mining near streams.

The rule was pathetic anyway! Only related to coal mining within 100 feet (think about how short a distance that is!) of a stream, and even then there were exceptions!

Would those of you in the US agree with me that not one of those measures would have passed, had it been voted for by a referendum of the US people? It's starting to look more like a power grab by the day.

Extremely concerning, and getting worse all the time.

I honestly hoped the Republican party would use their power to only avoid change and slow or suppress progress, not try and send the country back to the dark ages.
Can someone in the US explain to me why whenever this is a mass killing in a school Republicans say it's not a gun issue it's a mental health issue, and now they vote for people with mental health issues to have guns. It doesn't seem to add up.
Can someone in the US explain to me why whenever this is a mass killing in a school Republicans say it's not a gun issue it's a mental health issue, and now they vote for people with mental health issues to have guns. It doesn't seem to add up.
The biggest reason is the NRA, a gun lobbying group. Very big and powerful, they will do anything to make a buck, even at the expense of people dying. Republicans have no problem taking money from them or anyone on down the line in the firearms industry, in exchange for getting rid of any laws, rules, or regulations that stand in the way of their profits.
Can someone in the US explain to me why whenever this is a mass killing in a school Republicans say it's not a gun issue it's a mental health issue, and now they vote for people with mental health issues to have guns. It doesn't seem to add up.
I don't think many of us here understand it either. :dismay: It boils down to money, power, greed, corruption....
I think the Democrats should start lobbying for national referenda on certain issues, votes of all the people on things like gun rights. Of course, the Republicans would never agree to it, but that's the point: the lobbying, if done enough, would make the public aware that the Republicans deliberately enact certain policies in deliberate defiance of the wishes of the people to serve the interests of a small minority.

However, this may be a rather European centric view of things - there doesn't seem to be much of a tradition of referenda in the US as far as I can recall.

I think the Democrats should also pay for surveys to be carried out so that they can guage popular opinion nationwide and highlight when Republicans deliberately do things that more than 50% of people in the US do not support.

I wonder if the real reason the Republicans are voting to allow people with mental health issues to buy guns is to keep the focus of the debate well away from broader reform on gun rights for the next decade.
Wall Street is allowed to push investments of dubious value on the unsuspecting public again.

"but it limits consumer choice" is just a smoke screen.

"We think it is a bad rule. It is a bad rule for consumers," Cohn told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday. "This is like putting only healthy food on the menu, because unhealthy food tastes good but you still shouldn't eat it because you might die younger."

So, you admit that you're the equivalent of a junk food pusher, huh... :rolleyes:

Just replace "junk food" with drugs, and the true nature of that statement is made clear...

Trump just signed an order that could roll back a rule intended to protect Main Street's retirement money
Former Norway PM held at Washington airport over 2014 visit to Iran

The article said:
Kjell Magne Bondevik, who served as prime minister of Norway from 1997-2000 and 2001-05, flew into the US from Europe on Tuesday afternoon to attend this week’s National Prayer Breakfast.

He was held for an hour after customs agents saw in his diplomatic passport that he had been to Iran in 2014. Bondevik said his passport also clearly indicated that he was the former PM of Norway.

What is actually bothering me more than Mr Trump and his antics is that obviously many border agents, policemen and other "law enforcement officials" are willing and enthusiastic to go above and beyond what he wants :-(
Did everyone survive the Bowling Green Massacre? Should we take a head count?

We all still carry the vivid memories of what horrors occurred at Bowling Green, but some still relive those moments everyday as they work to rebuild a community torn apart.
Join us in directly supporting the victims and families directly affected by the Bowling Green Massacre by donating to the Bowling Green Massacre Victims Fund.

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As we join together with our thoughts and prayers, we will always remember how our fortitude and compassion unite us all through these difficult times.

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