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He's such a crybaby. :rolleyes:
And what's even more ridiculous is that his supporters keep calling everyone else special snowflakes and crybabies for not liking him. Hello, look at your precious president. He throws tantrums like a child. :rolleyes:
Most of this ad aired during the Super Bowl. The ending was deemed too controversial to air by Fox. The lumber company told viewers to go to their website to see the ending, and so many did so that they crashed the website.

Here's the entire ad. It's not only on their website but also on YouTube.

Here's more about the ad.

The Ending of 84 Lumber Pro-Immigration Ad Was Deemed Too Controversial for the Super Bowl


Why People Should Just Pause for a Minute and Not Blindly Celebrate 84 Lumber’s Immigration Ad

Aside from the fact that profiting off one's governmental position is actually illegal, this tells us everything we needed to know about the disgusting, greedy character of the Trump family. It appears that they all view the White House as nothing more than an opportunity to get rich off the backs of the American people and care little about actually running the country or leading the nation as positive role models.
And what's even more ridiculous is that his supporters keep calling everyone else special snowflakes and crybabies for not liking him. Hello, look at your precious president. He throws tantrums like a child. :rolleyes:
He is an embarrassment.
I guess I am addicted to bad news by now.

Every morning my first thing is to grab my phone to check the news to find out what new idiocy Twimp has come up with while I was sleeping....

I'm the opposite way.:D I am so sick of the hysteria and the stupid things he says and tweets that I am trying to ignore a lot of it. It's difficult though as there are so many screaming headlines about him. At least I don't live there, it must be a lot worse for the Americans who disagree with him.:fp:

ETA: We have quite a lot of stupid things going on over here too so it is hard to keep track of both, lol.
Keep contacting your representatives. Make your voice heard.


Some observers insist that she's merely trying to create a nest egg so she can leave him, but there's absolutely no genuine, solid proof that she's unhappy and wants to leave him, PLUS, as I pointed out above, it's ILLEGAL to profit off the title of FLOTUS. Even if she does leave him, she'll be forever known as the third ex-wife of Donald Trump and former First Lady and wouldn't that in itself tarnish the Trump brand? I don't think she has any brains at all. And I think this lawsuit was mainly her husband's doing, but that doesn't make her any less, um, deplorable for taking part in it.
If she wanted to leave him, she would have the perfect opportunity now. There would be all kinds of high profile lawyers willing to take her case, and she would have the best shot possible at having primary custody of their son and a better financial bargain than she would get under the terms of whatever prenup she signed.

I have no sympathy for her whatsoever. She made a deal to get the kind of lifestyle she wanted, and she apparently wants to stick to that, regardless of however much she might detest dt.
Betsy DeVos confirmed as education secretary after Pence breaks Senate tie

Yeah, I no longer have any sympathy for Americans who willingly voted for this awful administration, either directly or indirectly, because they believed the lies about Hillary Clinton, or were convinced there was no essential difference between the two candidates. Had she actually won the EC vote and was the president now, there's no way in hell these last two weeks would look the same, and no way in hell would the cabinet be full of people who shouldn't even be dogcatcher, much less belong in the presidential cabinet. Hillary wouldn't be threatening the media or the PM of Australia or banning people from the country illegally or talking about repealing Obamacare or anything else that trump has been doing. She just wouldn't, and anyone who still thinks she's evil or crooked or she'd be behaving exactly the same way while planning to destroy the country and its democracy and let millions of people die for the sake of ideological purity is simply delusional.

Oh, and there's a bill introduced to abolish the EPA. I hope everyone is happy with this, because if the Democrats couldn't stop Devos from being confirmed, they won't be able to stop anything else, either. Enjoy your fascist life. I won't.
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