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From the article:
But according to Politico, it wasn’t the gum chewing that displeased Trump. “More than being lampooned as a press secretary who makes up facts,” a source close to Trump told the Web site, “it was Spicer’s portrayal by a woman that was most problematic in the president’s eyes.”

Yeah, when I saw the segment, my thought was that this is the beginning of the end for Spicer - dt won't be able to stand having someone as press secretary whom he views as having been emasculated.
From the article:

Yeah, when I saw the segment, my thought was that this is the beginning of the end for Spicer - dt won't be able to stand having someone as press secretary whom he views as having been emasculated.
It's working!! :devil: MUAAAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!!!

Betsy DeVos confirmed as education secretary after Pence breaks Senate tie

Just ... wow ! :mad:

I am quite shocked, as I really did not think she would be confirmed.

My impression was that this is a part of Twimp's "Negotiation approach", presenting a cabinet of really bad people, having the worst of them denied, replacing her with somebody slightly less offensive, and, voila, everybody is happy.

That 50 Republican a$$hats confirmed this travesty by voting for this grossly incompetent person, confirms my worst fears about the possibility of obstructing this government.

The US, and, by extension (because of all the havoc Twimp can wreak) the rest of the world, is in deep ****.

This is pretty much all that needs to be said in regard to the "punching a nazi" argument.
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Just ... wow ! :mad:

I am quite shocked, as I really did not think she would be confirmed.

My impression was that this is a part of Twimp's "Negotiation approach", presenting a cabinet of really bad people, having the worst of them denied, replacing her with somebody slightly less offensive, and, voila, everybody is happy.

That 50 Republican a$$hats confirmed this travesty by voting for this grossly incompetent person, confirms my worst fears about the possibility of obstructing this government.

The US, and, by extension (because of all the havoc Twimp can wreak) the rest of the world, is in deep ****.

I agree with everything other than I did in fact have every expectation that she would be confirmed.

I have zero belief that our GOP elected officials have any integrity, with less than a handful of exceptions.
I think he's forgotten that most of the 9/11 highjackers were Saudi.

Or else Saudi Arabia isn't even on the immigration ban because he does business with them. And of course, his profits trump national security any day....

The Bushes were in bed with the Saudis well before 9/11 and the Saudis trapped in the country in the aftermath of 9/11 were allowed to go home. It seems like Republicans have no problem being friends with the Saudis unless they're restricting access to "our" oil or some other reason to make them a convenient boogeyman. There's also the Saudi talk of fighting ISIS, primarily because ISIS and other Muslim radicals threaten the way the Saudis prefer to oppress their own people.

So yeah, there's no immediate reason for Trump or the other Republicans to treat Saudi Muslims the same way they treat the other Muslims.
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