If you live in a red state or have Republican representatives, write to them (snail mail) as constantly as you can. Be civil, but firm. Don't let them think they can get away with aligning themselves with the current administration. Stress that this isn't a partisan squabble and focus on specific issues. Tell them that politicians who support the cheeto are losing voters by the hundreds (they are) and that whether or not they tolerate the current administration is a crucial piece of your image of them. Threaten to **** talk them and make them lose voters. They'll listen, even if they're not good people, because this is genuinely a threat to their livelihood.
I feel exactly the same way. Was just saying this to a friend two days ago.
Another thing that worries me.Politicians over here have been saying that they think the ban will lead to more people being radicalised and therefore make a terrorist attack in the US more likely.
I think that's probably a given. U.S. security officials have been voicing that since dt first started with his Muslim ban rhetoric during the campaign.Politicians over here have been saying that they think the ban will lead to more people being radicalised and therefore make a terrorist attack in the US more likely.
Another thing that worries me.
Kellyanne Conway Pitches Ivanka Trumps Goods From White House
Is this woman being deliberately obtuse? You'd think that she would know better.
I also find it interesting that Ivanka's company manufactures many of its items overseas, and here's her father trying to stop Americans from doing that. To be honest, I can't help but think that's hilarious. The absurdity never ends.
Of course history never repeats itself. Democracy dies in different ways at different times.