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RCMP Say 21 refugees arrested for crossing border in Manitoba

And so it starts. Even though I expected it to happen, it still feels strange to read about it. Basically, they are crossing the border illegally in order to claim refugee status in Canada. They can't claim it through regular channels if they've already claimed refugee status in the US, hence the illegal crossings.

As an American, I am ashamed that this is happening.
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RCMP Say 21 refugees arrested for crossing border in Manitoba

And so it starts. Even though I expected it to happen, it still feels strange to read about it. Basically, they are crossing the border illegally in order to claim refugee status in Canada. They can't claim it through regular channels if they've already claimed refugee status in the US, hence the illegal crossings.

The BBC has picked up on this story.

Crossing the border: US migrants seek refugee status in Canada
By the time they reached Highway 75 in Manitoba, their hands had frozen into claws. They could not reach the phones in their pockets to dial 9-1-1 as planned. Mohammed's eyes had frozen shut.

The only vehicles on the road before dawn on Christmas where transport trucks ferrying cargo between the US and Canada. Many passed, flashing their high beams at the two before blowing by, until one stopped to give them assistance.

They have been receiving treatment at a specialised burn unit in a Winnipeg hospital since that 10-hour journey. Both had most of their fingers amputated due to the severe frostbite.

Iyal says nurses had to chip away at the snow and ice between Mohammed's fingers.

There are also concerns that someone will die trying to make the trek across frozen fields in temperatures that can easily fall to -20C (-4F). Many also expect the number of attempts to cross will increase with warmer weather.

[OK, the formatting of this post is screwed up somehow, and I don't know how to un-screw it]

Crossing the border: US migrants seek refugee status in Canada - BBC News

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If you enjoy playing video games and don't mind some of your hard earned going towards the ACLU, Doctors Without Borders and the International Rescue Committee, you may want to check out the Humble Freedom Bundle.
If you enjoy playing video games and don't mind some of your hard earned going towards the ACLU, Doctors Without Borders and the International Rescue Committee, you may want to check out the Humble Freedom Bundle.
Sweeet! Lots of great looking games here, some of which I've wanted. It's worth paying for if it goes to a good cause like that.
The BBC has picked up on this story.

Crossing the border: US migrants seek refugee status in Canada

[OK, the formatting of this post is screwed up somehow, and I don't know how to un-screw it]

That's disheartening. I guess there aren't many stores/churches or other pit stops for them to take along the way to keep themselves warm. :(
That's disheartening. I guess there aren't many stores/churches or other pit stops for them to take along the way to keep themselves warm. :(

I got the impression they had to cross in some fairly deserted or sparsely populated area, or they would risk being stopped before they got over the border.
Missile crisis by candlelight: Donald Trump's use of Mar-a-Lago raises security questions

As CNN reported and the Facebook photos later illustrated, Abe and their parties stayed at their tables as their aides passed them bits of paper, lighting them up with their mobile phones so they could be read, while the keyboard vocalist hired for the night sang on and Mar-a-Lago guests huddled around to get a better view. In one picture, Trump is talking on his mobile phone, half turned away from Abe, who seems to look skywards in supplication or disbelief.

This should erase any doubts about whether or not the cheeto is capable of not just brutally evil policy, but actually presenting a security risk that could destroy the country. He definitely is.
Just took another look. Those articles are from 2011. The Obama Justice Department fought that Alabama law vigorously, and it was mostly overturned.

Ah, thanks for finding that! Yes, that is one of the problems with not checking in detail posts from facebook other than "ok, it comes from a credible publication".

Indeed, looking outside it should have been clear to me that - even in Alabama - it was unlikely that tomatos would be ripe anytime soon....
I see a lot of news stories turn up in my Facebook feed that are weeks or months or even years old, but are presented as brand new *breaking* news stories. I'm not averse to reading important news stories, but half of them are fake news stories (or memes) that have already been discredited, and the other half is real news but the *breaking* part occurred a long time ago and there's no follow-up to the original story. I recently saw a *breaking* news story about Congressional legislation sent to the president for signing - except the legislation was approved in 2009 and the president was Obama. It was no longer relevant, but presented as new information.

That really annoyed me.
Just took another look. Those articles are from 2011. The Obama Justice Department fought that Alabama law vigorously, and it was mostly overturned.

Ah, thanks for finding that! Yes, that is one of the problems with not checking in detail posts from facebook other than "ok, it comes from a credible publication".

Indeed, looking outside it should have been clear to me that - even in Alabama - it was unlikely that tomatos would be ripe anytime soon....
I was tricked by the rotting tomatoes, too. Saw it on FB and didn't catch the date. Luckily, I didn't share it or comment. I hate when that happens. I'm usually very careful before I stick my neck out on FB. Not so much here, sometimes, because I feel safer here, lol.

A little bit of good news for anyone who hasn't heard yet.

It's suspected that his family did him in and then dumped him in a river. Good riddance.

From the article:
Frank Ancona, the professed leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was shot and killed in Missouri last week in what officials called a “tragic and senseless act of violence.

No, not really.
While I'm not sad to hear of a KKK member's death, I don't think that it's worth it to kill him if it means going to jail. I hope that his wife killed him in self-defense and has a very good defense lawyer.
Ah, thanks for finding that! Yes, that is one of the problems with not checking in detail posts from facebook other than "ok, it comes from a credible publication".

Indeed, looking outside it should have been clear to me that - even in Alabama - it was unlikely that tomatos would be ripe anytime soon....
Yeah, I didn't notice it either - someone else pointed it out to me, on another forum.
While I'm not sad to hear of a KKK member's death, I don't think that it's worth it to kill him if it means going to jail. I hope that his wife killed him in self-defense and has a very good defense lawyer.
Apparently both his wife and her son (his stepson) have been arrested. I would not be surprised if he was an abuser.

The KKK has a strong presence in southern Missouri, and even apart from racism, they are not nice people. They have quite the hold on various communities, with LE and other local authorities either complicit with or afraid of them. There's a notorious animal "rescue" that's run by the wife of a KKK wizard and that's well known for being a place where animals are badly abused and neglected, and the local authorities protect them (not the animals - the woman and her husband).
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