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Why on earth do they have an animal rescue if they can't treat them properly? Do they use them for some sort of weird ritual?
Why on earth do they have an animal rescue if they can't treat them properly? Do they use them for some sort of weird ritual?

She's basically a hoarder of the worst kind - the animals are malnourished, disease and parasite riddled, untreated injuries, etc. Every once in a while, a real rescue manages to snag one of the animals that roams to the edge of the property. There are a couple of vets up here to which those animals are transported for treatment - they know about this place, do their part to help, including not responding to LE from down there.
This is the news in Canada at the moment: the handshake between Trudeau and Trump. He resisted Trump's usual jerk-and-pull handshake.

Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau shake hands: an analysis

Another analysis :)

Watch: Justin Trudeau Scores a Stunning Draw in Handshake Domination Battle With Donald Trump

The article said:
He started off brilliantly by closing the distance between himself and Trump, meaning that if the president tried to pull him forward, the two would collide—mutually assured destruction. Immediately, he took away his opponent’s greatest strength. Then he engaged Trump in a shoulder grab—a total power move that Trump countered with a shoulder/neck grab of his own. As the two men grimaced at each other, Trump created some distance and went back to old faithful: The grip-and-yank. If you look closely at the 4-5 second mark, Trump tries to tug Trudeau’s arm toward him, but for the first time since he took office, his opponent was ready: Trudeau held firm, resisted the yank, and held his ground beautifully. Finally, Trump tried to squeeze the hell out of his hand and go over the top for leverage, but Trudeau wouldn’t budge. The president gave it one more try, to no avail, and at the 7-second mark he ran out of gas. After exchanging a meaningful look with Trudeau, as if to recognize a worthy adversary, he dropped the Canadian’s hand and beckoned toward the cameras.

In my official ruling, this is a draw, but it’s a stunning, impressive result for Trudeau nonetheless. Just as in European championship soccer, getting a draw on the road is almost like winning, and for Trudeau to perform so admirably on enemy turf is a triumph for all of Canada.

Unfortunately, this probably means Ottawa is getting nuked. But it was worth it to see the first small crack in the armor of the Ivan Drago of handshakes.
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While I'm not sad to hear of a KKK member's death, I don't think that it's worth it to kill him if it means going to jail. I hope that his wife killed him in self-defense and has a very good defense lawyer.

I hope she gets off scot-free anyway, even if it wasn't self-defense. Killing someone from the KKK should basically elevate you to sainthood.

But then there's also the possibility that she's just as terrible and killed him for totally unrelated reasons, in which case I don't really care what happens with her but I'm thankful for her public service.
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i thought this was an interesting, different take on SNL's skewering of Trump.

Why ‘SNL’ Should Lay Off the Trump Impressions

With all due respect I totally disagree. We know the cheeto tunes in to SNL for some damn reason even though it mocks him constantly, and then gets mad about it, which is a good thing. On top of that, I fvcking* love Baldwin's impression. It is exactly the right degree of condescending imo. Also, it's easy to imitate and has become my go-to Trump Voice when I need it (which is surprisingly often?), so I'm a bit biased.

*too soon?
Flynn is the third Trump associate to resign because of the revelation of close connections to the Russian state: Paul Manafort and Carter Page preceded him. Will more follow?

The question here is not about the Logan Act: “Did Flynn conduct U.S. foreign policy in a too hasty way, without waiting for his formal swearing in?”

The question is whether a senior American official was compromised by his relationship with a foreign government. And, even more troublingly: Are there others? And even more urgently: How high up the chain of command does Russia’s influence go?

Good article in The Atlantic. Why Flynn's Resignation Matters
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The Atlantic said:
The question is whether a senior American official was compromised by his relationship with a foreign government. And, even more troublingly: Are there others? And even more urgently: How high up the chain of command does Russia’s influence go?

Clearly, yes, and all the way.
This administration is crumbling to the ground, and despite the fact that we're undoubtedly going to be stuck with someone just as heinous when the ashes clear, I am loving it.

Cheeto, possibly the person with the biggest ego on the planet, is going to have to deal with unceasing disgrace, mockery, and the knowledge that his little vanity project is widely regarded as one of the worst, most corrupt failures of government in history.

That is, if he doesn't somehow dodge this **** again.
This administration is crumbling to the ground, and despite the fact that we're undoubtedly going to be stuck with someone just as heinous when the ashes clear, I am loving it.

Cheeto, possibly the person with the biggest ego on the planet, is going to have to deal with unceasing disgrace, mockery, and the knowledge that his little vanity project is widely regarded as one of the worst, most corrupt failures of government in history.

That is, if he doesn't somehow dodge this **** again.
I don't doubt he will. I'm not feeling the least bit optimistic that he's going down. I'm continually frustrated and upset that he still has such a strong and steadfast fan base.
Well, we know he's a raging narcissist and everything always has to be about him. Maybe he's po'd that more Jews didn't vote for him. After all, he's King Donnie, The Greatest Man on Earth, and he has Jewish family, so why wouldn't they vote for him?
I actually think that Twimp really might be the one to unite the country...

... give him 3 more months, and 80 % of the population will solidly stand together ... against him ...
I don't doubt he will. I'm not feeling the least bit optimistic that he's going down. I'm continually frustrated and upset that he still has such a strong and steadfast fan base.

Yeah, pretty much this. I'm enjoying watching the administration collapse and lose its integrity but barring something somehow even more massive, he will probably just keep chugging along.
I enjoy watching Kellyanne Conway make a fool of herself with every interview she does. I just watched a clip where the interviewer straight up told her "that makes no sense." She just continued to dodge and change the subject. I don't know why she does that. I guess she thinks everyone is too stupid to see what she's doing.
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