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I didn't know they had one for Obama, too. Makes me feel a little better about it, lol.
If you live in a red state or have Republican representatives, write to them (snail mail) as constantly as you can.

One caveat about this. My Congressman spoke to a local group of us (before the election). He asked us not to write to him at his office in DC. Why not? Because after the anthrax scare(s) of the past few years, they set up a system of inspecting letters to elected officials. This procedure results in a delay of months before the letter actually gets to the elected official's office. So the Congressman asked that we write him at his District office, or e-mail him, since these communications would not be delayed by the "anthrax inspection" process.
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The Trump regime and their supporters don't care if you prove them wrong, point out their hypocrisy or catch them in a lie. They will never live up to their own standards.
It is the post-truth era, after all.

So the Congressman asked that we write him at his District office
Note to anthrax terrorist: Send your mail to congress members' district offices, not the DC offices.
Note to anthrax terrorist: Send your mail to congress members' district offices, not the DC offices.

It appears that the staffers who work at the District office are not considered very valuable as targets for anthrax attacks.
It appears that the staffers who work at the District office are not considered very valuable as targets for anthrax attacks.
Or their bosses consider them to be totally expendable.

Note to staffers at District offices: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
The postcards OK they may get Trump's attention, and **** him off. But that won't necessarily be a good thing, or be productive.
One caveat about this. My Congressman spoke to a local group of us (before the election). He asked us not to write to him at his office in DC. Why not? Because after the anthrax scare(s) of the past few years, they set up a system of inspecting letters to elected officials. This procedure results in a delay of months before the letter actually gets to the elected official's office. So the Congressman asked that we write him at his District office, or e-mail him, since these communications would not be delayed by the "anthrax inspection" process.

Yeah, that would be a definite exception. From what I've read though, in the vast majority of cases snail mail is the one thing that gets noticed with any consistency.

The postcards OK they may get Trump's attention, and **** him off. But that won't necessarily be a good thing, or be productive.

I don't see how pissing him off could be anything but good. Maybe you're thinking he'd do rash and dangerous things in response, but he's already doing that, so that's not much of a change. Best case scenario is he finally does something he can't just recover from.
Yeah, that would be a definite exception. From what I've read though, in the vast majority of cases snail mail is the one thing that gets noticed with any consistency.

You are right that snail mail is generally given heavier "weight" by politicians than, say, the same content put into an e-mail. But it has to "get there" before it can "get noticed."

One option might be to compose the message on your computer. Then print it out as a letter, and snail mail this to the District office. Then copy and paste the same text into an e-mail, and send this to the elected official's Washington office.
You are right that snail mail is generally given heavier "weight" by politicians than, say, the same content put into an e-mail. But it has to "get there" before it can "get noticed."

One option might be to compose the message on your computer. Then print it out as a letter, and snail mail this to the District office. Then copy and paste the same text into an e-mail, and send this to the elected official's Washington office.

True that. If you have the time/patience to inundate them through as many channels as possible, that's your best bet.
RCMP Say 21 refugees arrested for crossing border in Manitoba

And so it starts. Even though I expected it to happen, it still feels strange to read about it. Basically, they are crossing the border illegally in order to claim refugee status in Canada. They can't claim it through regular channels if they've already claimed refugee status in the US, hence the illegal crossings.
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