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Donald Trump had some tough words for the Germans at the NATO summit in Belgium on Thursday. “The Germans are bad, very bad,” he reportedly told Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Union. “Look at the millions of cars that they’re selling in the USA. Horrible. We’re gonna stop that.”

It is certainly true that Germany runs a big trade surplus with the world and with the United States. (Last year, the U.S. trade deficit with Germany was nearly $65 billion.) But Trump can’t stop the German cars from coming in to the U.S. because, to a large degree, they’re already here. See, it turns out that many “foreign” cars are actually made in the U.S. while many “American” cars are made in Canada and Mexico. That’s how globalization works today.

Trump Reportedly Wants to Stop Germans From Selling So Many Cars Here, Where They’re Made

This happened on a Portland, OR commuter train yesterday afternoon:

A man was yelling at two teenage girls, one wearing a headscarf, one black. He was yelling that all Muslims should die. Several men intervened. He killed two of the men (slit their throats); a third is hospitalized.

This is typical of the headlines about the story: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/27/5303514...

No mention of the fact of it being a hate crime.
This happened on a Portland, OR commuter train yesterday afternoon:

A man was yelling at two teenage girls, one wearing a headscarf, one black. He was yelling that all Muslims should die. Several men intervened. He killed two of the men (slit their throats); a third is hospitalized.

This is typical of the headlines about the story: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/27/5303514...

No mention of the fact of it being a hate crime.
Interesting...this one, from FB says hate crime.
"Jeremy Christian, 35, was identified and booked early Saturday morning on two aggravated murder charges, an attempted murder charge, and two hate crime charges, as well as being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon."

Maybe it was updated?

Yes, news sites have been updating. Yesterday all the headlines were along the lines of "two stabbed on commuter train". The BBC was the first to mention the ant-Muslim rhetoric in its headline; the WaPo didn't change its headline until this afternoon.
And this is the outcome....

Merkel, After Discordant G-7 Meeting, Is Looking Past Trump

The article said:
Clearly disappointed with Mr. Trump’s positions on NATO, Russia, climate change and trade, Ms. Merkel said in Munich on Sunday that traditional alliances were no longer as steadfast as they once were and that Europe should pay more attention to its own interests “and really take our fate into our own hands.”

Even more clear:

A Danger to the World: It's Time to Get Rid of Donald Trump - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
My jaw dropped when Trump pushed that man out of the way! The handshake between Trump and Macron was quite significant too, ooh they are all being so macho.Emmanuel Macron: my handshake with Trump was 'a moment of truth' | World news | The Guardian Lol.

Hmm, you have to see this. Not really surprised.

What an asshat.
He's like a male gorilla posturing for alpha status.

Except that gorillas are smarter, better looking and much more decent, of course.

The only possible good that could come out of this presidency is if Europe becomes more united and stronger.

Today the German foreign minister said that dt's actions have weakened the West. Germany: Trump's actions have 'weakened' the West - CNN.com

That is undoubtedly true.
Hmm, you have to see this. Not really surprised.

What an asshat.
People were trying to say that they were joking around, and, initially, I was going to give them that, but the more I watch it the less it looks like he was kidding.
People were trying to say that they were joking around, and, initially, I was going to give them that, but the more I watch it the less it looks like he was kidding.

No, he was definitely being aggressive. He wanted to be in front for the photographers, as you can see by what he did once he pushed his way to the front. It's just immature behavior, the kind of behavior one sees in adolescents.
He simply did not consider the notion that he should stand anywhere else then in front, so the photographers can take a picture of him.
It never even crossed his mind that the others might be his "equals".
No, he was definitely being aggressive. He wanted to be in front for the photographers, as you can see by what he did once he pushed his way to the front. It's just immature behavior, the kind of behavior one sees in adolescents.
He's an attention *****, all right....
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