The Weather.

I have just looked up the weather at my family's place in the Thames River Valley and it is 33 °C which is just 1 ° degree cooler than over here in France.
Its going to hit 34 Celsius round here tomorrow. Today was 32 and it felt like I was stood next to a radiator when outside. AS much as I like it, I'm not equipped for these conditions!
Real-feel of 61°F & breezy... very pleasant. :) Still a bit muggy... we got SO much rain yesterday, streets were flooded everywhere... only expecting a brief T-storm this evening.
Hottest June day in the UK since the summer of 1976! 41 years ago, the year I was born.:D
I guess i'm getting cranky: when it was hot and humid, 37℃, i was complaining. Now it's 16℃, and the wind is cold, and i'm not happy again:D. Seriously, it's finally summer, and i'm happy about it.:rolleyes:
Thunderstorms again... periods of pouring rain, then nothing, then complete deluge again... took an alternate route home 'cuz I knew the one I normally take would be flooded already....

Sky is completely clouded but I was watching SO much lightning happening.... still flashing & rumbling & crackling & pouring....

Oh, and this just in (via public radio)... flash-flood warning for my county.... awesome. :|
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The weather is quite strange: one moment it's freakin hot, and you regret that you've put your pants on, the other moment the icy wind and pouring rain make you look for the shelter:p
Sunny & cool... 64° F.... I fear I may have to kick the heat on this evening, though. :eek: It's supposed to get down in the upper 40s... LOL

Aaaand now it's pouring again. :fp: I think were only supposed to get a couple showers today, but the rivers in mid-Michigan are already very near flood stage.... :no:

It's downright chilly in this house! :confused:
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The weather finally looks like summer. I'm going for a walk to the park.:rolleyes: And in the evening my sister is driving us to the summer cottage.
My sister, her hubby, my mom and i went to the hospital to visit my granny, then we went straight to the village, and i dropped into the grocer in the nearest town in order to buy some peaches, vinegar, crystal noodles and beer. And i had to walk for a long distance then. Now i'm sitting on the rock, because i've made 8 km already, and i'm still not at home. I know, i need to prepare myself for the hikes, but now i'm tired, but happy: it smells so good all over around here. And we have white nights.:p It's 22.10, and the sky is white, the birds are not asleep, and there are lots of people foolin' around:zen::iiam:
I am very very frustrated with the weather around here. Last week I went camping and suffered through two days of continuous rain, wind, and cold. Now I am going camping again this weekend and guess what? More rain. It has rained off and on most of this week as well. My partner and I are going mountain biking but have had to rethink our route. The 30 mile Timber Frear Mountain bike route is just too washed out and muddy right now with all this rain, so we are making alternative plans for a bit of an easier route. So so sick of rain!!!