The Weather.

I am very very frustrated with the weather around here. Last week I went camping and suffered through two days of continuous rain, wind, and cold. Now I am going camping again this weekend and guess what? More rain. It has rained off and on most of this week as well. My partner and I are going mountain biking but have had to rethink our route. The 30 mile Timber Frear Mountain bike route is just too washed out and muddy right now with all this rain, so we are making alternative plans for a bit of an easier route. So so sick of rain!!!
Hey, be safe.... don't chance anything, OK? :hug:
It's humid and very warm today, and at least the sun is out. We may get some thunderstorms tonight.
It's raining like cats and dogs:D And we are stuck in the village. But we have convection heaters here, so this is ok. And i have an access to beer:devil: and other groceries.
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Some nasty thunderstorms are making their way through my area. The drive home was not fun, lol.
Yesterday was outstanding. Right now it's partly sunny. I haven't looked at the forecast yet.
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The sun keeps trying to peek through the clouds, but it has not been successful for any length of time. The humidity is also on the rise.
It's really hot here again today. I got slightly sunburned yesterday.

Forecast Summary
  • Today
    Dry with some bright or sunny spells, although it may turn a little cloudier through the day, but remaining mainly dry across the region. Light winds and still feeling very warm in most places, and locally hot.
Hot and humid here too. Today we'll get into the mid-90s. I took my waddle at 7:30 this morning to get it over with. :rolleyes: