We had mild weather yesterday. It was warmer than on Saturday. It was downpour at ~0.30 though. It's warm and sunny today, but the summer is gone, so it's only 64°F.
They didn't tell on the news about this hurricane in Chelyabinsk city (the border of Siberia and Ural). Lol, after the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite, its citizens consider themselves super tough and brutal.

The city is very polluted, unfortunately.
Hurricane in Chelyabinsk on Saturday (they are still working on eliminating the consequences):
This morning we received shocking footages about what happened yesterday in Kirov area. Kirov area is a beautiful region, the land of rivers and lakes,- no wonder tornados like these ones (F2 by Fujita scale, a.k.a. considerable damage) could be born in those water bodies. As i take it, there was more than 1 tornado.
In the video, you can see the tornados and the damage. They say, there were no victims among humans, but a lot of livestock was killed, as it happened mostly in rural area.