We lost power as soon as I made that post.

It’s horrible...I have no power and no cell signal.

I had an awful night.

I’m driving around Main Street to charge my phone and check in here and Facebook just to whine.

I seriously hate this.

And it could be days before we are restored.

I hate being spoiled.

It’s not fair.

Get me all used to technology and the take it away from me
Ok I’m done. I’m fine.

I do have city water so that’s great. I’m going to run into a store and maybe get something like a crossword puzzle or something. If I can find the charger to my kindle that would be great...I can bring it to my daughter for charging and then I can read! If I get a good charge on my phone I can also listen to some audio books. I was caught off guard yesterday and not well prepared. Plus my phone is older and it runs out of charge quicker than it should.