That sounds awesome. Must try!B- Hot cereal (oat bran, bran flakes, wheat farina) with soymilk, raisins, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, ground flax, cinnamon and nutmeg, a cup of warm unsweetened applesauce and couple mugs of black tea.
Sure!GingerFoxx can you come cook for me everyday please?Your food always sounds so delicious!
I had a total carb-fest today, trying to eat any leftovers so that there isn't much in the fridge when/if this supposed storm hits and knocks out power:
Apple cake, hot chocolate, almonds
Pizza made with garlic, olive oil, Daiya mozzarella, olives, tomatoes and red onion
Penne with eggplant balls and sauce
They are so yummy. I veganize this recipe using nutritional yeast flakes instead of cheese and EnerG egg replacer for the eggs. Even my non-veg famiy and friends love these!Eggplant balls? What's that? Sounds intriguing!
You are welcome!Thanks PTree!! I'm going to try this,...maybe next week. Will let you know how it goes.
Brunch...emm...brown rice krispies....from the the handful. Yep I woke up late
Dinner - Vietnamese style rice noodles with lightly pickled carrots and cucumber, lemongrass Gardein chick'n with sweet garlic ginger sauce