First, he has to win the primaries. Right now potential democratic voters are about 70% Hilary, and 30% Bernie. If she get's herself in a "scandal" that she can't blow off, he may have a chance, but otherwise, I really don't think so.
According to mainstream media, Sanders is behind, but TV news is distorting the information. Television in the US is pretty much owned by the Republicans, who want Hillary nominated, because they know she can be beaten. Bernie Sanders scares hell out of them. They are deliberately suppressing news about Sanders, and that 70/30% figure you cited is ridiculous. That's exactly what the Republicans want you to believe. The reality is, right now, Sanders is in the process of overtaking Hillary. He is already ahead of Clinton in New Hampshire, and in Iowa, he has caught up with her, and they are running neck-and-neck. With several weeks before the Iowa caucus, Bernie Sanders has an
excellent chance of taking both states. He is also catching Hillary in Nevada, South Carolina, and California.
It was Ronald Reagan, who, in 1989, struck down the rule that broadcast television had to be unbiased in reporting the news. Since then, the Republican owned media- ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox,
etc.- have been playing the American public for suckers, using their venues to influence the political process. This is how Obama defeated Hillary in 2008, by using the internet and social media online- not broadcast punditry.
You're right, in order to win the presidency, Bernie first has to get the nomination, which is why it's critical people get out and vote,
not just in the election, but in the primaries, first! The 2016 election could well be a
deja vu for Hillary, seeing her soundly run over by the so-called "underdog." Online poll after online poll shows Bernie Sanders to be the candidate of choice for the American people.
You should not believe everything you hear through the mainstream media, because they are
lying to us. I'm voting for Sanders in the Wisconsin primary, which occurs in April.