Various random thoughts & observations....

I've had some weird coincidental stuff happen today/tonight.... The main question in my mind is how often does theremin-usage crop up in a single evening, on average? o_O I think I'm way over the limit for today.... weirdness. LOL
I've had some weird coincidental stuff happen today/tonight.... The main question in my mind is how often does theremin-usage crop up in a single evening, on average? o_O I think I'm way over the limit for today.... weirdness. LOL
??? Are you talking about theremin? I mean, the musical instrument? - Invented by Leo Termen?:???:
??? Are you talking about theremin? I mean, the musical instrument? - Invented by Leo Termen?:???:
Yup. :yes: Featured a couple times tonight on the DVD series I've been watching, then again when I got home & turned on Late Night Jazz & Blues....

Not often that happens. LOL :D I think the instrument is fascinating (geeks love it!)... it was just kinda weird tonight.
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Yup. :yes: Featured a couple times tonight on the DVD series I've been watching, then again when I got home & turned on Late Night Jazz & Blues....

Not often that happens. LOL :D I think the instrument is fascinating (geeks love it!)... it was just kinda weird tonight.
Yeah:p. I like it too. It also brings me good memories: a good friend of mine, composer Georgy Ivanovich Firtich used to be friends with Leo Termen and told me about him. Also i love to watch Peter Pringle play theremin.<3
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Yeah:p. I like it too. It also brings me good memories: a good friend of mine, composer Georgy Ivanovich Firtich used to be friends with Leo Termen and told me about him. Also i love to watch Peter Pringle play theremin.<3
Oh, nice!! :up: That's amazing!
I like this.... :D

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God's mercy definitely exists.:master: I was in my room lying around on my bed and my mom was at the kitchen having lunch. Suddenly i felt an overwhelming urge to get up and go to the coridor. When i opened the door, i couldn't breathe and see: the whole flat was filled with gas:eek:. We have an old gas cooker, because we still don't have enough time to replace it, and it works pretty well, and recently we bought an expensive fridge, and blah blah blah...:hmm: Mom switched off the burner, but obviously not completely. The gas continued to leak:yuck:. I crawled over as quickly as i could, switched it off and opened the windows.:sigh: This is weird but she didn't notice the smell and continued sitting and breathing this gas!:worms: I've heard that's the way it always happens. :cthulhu: Perhaps that was the sign that we should replace it.:???::iiam:
Val, that’s crazy! Glad you are ok! :hug:
Thank you:kiss:. I'm already aware of her tricks: 10 minutes ago(!) she almost burnt the pot with potatoes! :fp: I'm not talking about multiple times when she forgot to switch off the kettle:D. I just need to run faster:bd:.
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God's mercy definitely exists.:master: I was in my room lying around on my bed and my mom was at the kitchen having lunch. Suddenly i felt an overwhelming urge to get up and go to the coridor. When i opened the door, i couldn't breathe and see: the whole flat was filled with gas:eek:. We have an old gas cooker, because we still don't have enough time to replace it, and it works pretty well, and recently we bought an expensive fridge, and blah blah blah...:hmm: Mom switched off the burner, but obviously not completely. The gas continued to leak:yuck:. I crawled over as quickly as i could, switched it off and opened the windows.:sigh: This is weird but she didn't notice the smell and continued sitting and breathing this gas!:worms: I've heard that's the way it always happens. :cthulhu: Perhaps that was the sign that we should replace it.:???::iiam:

Wow, that’s scary! :hug: Definitely replace the cooker!
The fallout from ABC’s cancellation of Roseanne continues. It’s interesting how everyone, from the Los Angeles Times to random Facebook commenters, are suddenly REALLY concerned about all the crewmember jobs lost from the cancellation. I rarely see such concern over lost jobs when other TV shows are cancelled, and a LOT of them were cancelled this year alone. They’ll find new jobs, they always do; TV isn’t going away. Especially since they’re union jobs, and these concern trolls are even concerned about union members getting new jobs! JFC. They didn’t even complain about lost jobs when Last Man Standing was cancelled, and Tim Allen is as big of a rightwing nut as Roseanne Barr.

They’re even wringing their hands over what the cancellation means to the rest of the show’s cast, as if anyone REALLY cared about what Michael Fishman is going to do now. :rolleyes:
I'm glad that i'm not sleeping yet: it's 3.00 a.m., and i couldn't imagine that it would be so exciting,- sitting in my room on the second floor, literally next to the woods, and listening to the dozens of birds' voices!:innocent: I thought they would be sleeping, but they're apparently not! Cuckoo has been calling for 30 minutes already and it's not gonna stop!:angel: And the sky is bluebell-colored: it'll be dawn in a little while.:rolleyes:
An hour and a hlf of setup and an hour of teardown is not worth the $22 in sales I made at the arts festival today. Thank goodness I didn’t have to pay a table fee.
I've seen a video on Youtube about the percentage of vegetarians (not vegans) in different countries. Well well... We have a 146.2 million population and only 1% of vegetarians.:fp: And we have a higher % of heart desease related deaths than USA! Actually nobody talks about it, because it's against our meat culture, meat-obsessed mindset and meat industry, but it's true. What a shameful statistics. :pout: :sigh:
God's mercy definitely exists.:master: I was in my room lying around on my bed and my mom was at the kitchen having lunch. Suddenly i felt an overwhelming urge to get up and go to the coridor. When i opened the door, i couldn't breathe and see: the whole flat was filled with gas:eek:. We have an old gas cooker, because we still don't have enough time to replace it, and it works pretty well, and recently we bought an expensive fridge, and blah blah blah...:hmm: Mom switched off the burner, but obviously not completely. The gas continued to leak:yuck:. I crawled over as quickly as i could, switched it off and opened the windows.:sigh: This is weird but she didn't notice the smell and continued sitting and breathing this gas!:worms: I've heard that's the way it always happens. :cthulhu: Perhaps that was the sign that we should replace it.:???::iiam:
(bold/italic emphasis mine)
Yep. In the last house where I was still living with my folks, our house's heating system had warmed air rising through vents from a natural-gas-fired furnace in the cellar. Me being the environmentalist energy-saving freak that I was (and still am), I often closed off the heating duct to my room and slept with the door closed.

When I opened my bedroom door one morning, the odor of gas hit me almost like a fist- and my sniffer isn't even that sensitive. We turned off the furnace, aired out the house, and called the power company. Somehow, the gas supply valve to the furnace had been positioned midway between fully "on" and fully "off", which allowed the gas to stay on, but not enough to ignite the burner. The power company man was quite upset when he found out what had been going on- it was a potentially dangerous situation. The rest of my family's noses had adjusted to the gradually-increasing smell and hadn't noticed it at all.

@Skylark Welcome back! Long time no see!