Various random thoughts & observations....

Smiley's are not working on my phone. Last post was supposed to have a smiley..
My phone smileys don’t work here, either. Not sure why. I stick with the forum ones.
From my Android phone using the Chrome browser: ☺

Edit: Ok, that's the only emoji that I can seem to make work. I think I know why, but making it work requires some major changes.
There is no way i can handle it.:shrug: My mom has found out that i've been watching VV on her android. She, herself, watches various maliscious sites and then asks me how to get rid of worms. And she's totally ok with it. But in this case she went histerical and started yelling: "Don't ever touch my phone again! Don't you dare to communicate with this horrible sect via my phone! KGB (!) will find you and kill us all!" :fp::wtf:Honestly, i have lost any intentions to help her with her phone :ttth:, and, obviously, to touch it ever again.:hurl:
There is no way i can handle it.:shrug: My mom has found out that i've been watching VV on her android. She, herself, watches various maliscious sites and then asks me how to get rid of worms. And she's totally ok with it. But in this case she went histerical and started yelling: "Don't ever touch my phone again! Don't you dare to communicate with this horrible sect via my phone! KGB (!) will find you and kill us all!" :fp::wtf:Honestly, i have lost any intentions to help her with her phone :ttth:, and, obviously, to touch it ever again.:hurl:
Oooh, we're a sect! Now, that's pretty exciting.... :D LMAO

:devil: WE ARE VEG*ANS!! :cthulhu: FEAR US!! :devil:

Yesterday i managed to convince my mom not to buy canned tuna. I just said that the containts of mercury in it is off scale.:D But i wasn't cheating! Despite that she has two higher educations, she can be very ignorant and superstitious. She really enjoys visiting various kinds of doctors and even charlatans, but when it comes to her diet she doesn't believe obvious facts, that's why she has podagra and high blood pressure.:ms:In 1999-2000 lots of shark meat (which is very dangerous too) appeared in supermarkets, and we used to eat it almost every day, because it was affordable. Even now i can remember that we liked it very much for its tender taste. And that was the first time when i got a gastric ulcer. :???: And then i and my ex husband started eating enormous amounts of bbq, mostly pork, - that had a fatal effect on my stomach, and gastric metaplasia began to progress:pout:. (It's really a miracle that i avoided cancer). Now i have no idea why i'd been doing that to myself. :fp::D Btw, my denial of eating flesh was one of the reasons of our divorce. He used to say: "You were a normal (read "average") person and ate everything(!), and now you've become picky and you're showing off!" :eek: No words...
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Heard this from a high school student on Science Friday yesterday & I thought it was brilliant....

"You learn nothing from doing something right."
When i was sitting at the eye doctor's desk and talking to her calmly, my mom tumbled into the room and started complaining(!) about me being vegan: that i'm totally out of my mind, that i'm starving on purpose, that all i eat is grass, blah blah blah.:wtf:And i already expected that the miserable doctor would say something about protein, as they all usually do, BUT she rolled her eyes and uttered: "Ugh, being vegan is sooo expensive!" :fp: I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. :D
This is nice.... Thank you, Tennessee Williams. :flower:

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After reading a thorough article about agriculture in ancient Sumer, i realized that Farro is an Emmer wheat. I think we owe them a lot :rolleyes:.
So I’m hanging out in the lounge area near the dining room, waiting to go to lunch. I had to do a hard reboot of my phone because it was acting glitchy, and while it was off, I stared at the ceiling of the dining room and wondered why the light fixtures in front were designed to look like women’s breasts, complete with nipples.


I really think i should start making my own compound vinaigrettes and seasonings: i've just tried the vinaigrette from the grocer. It contains lemon and orange juices, bay leaf, vinegar and various peppers, including cayenne (my favourite) :lick:. Pretty simple but tasty. What is for seasonings, it might be more complicated and pricey, moreover, nothing could compare to sumac. But it's worth trying. I would never forget the armenian market places, where the picturesque hajotz people are offering you home-made spices, compound seasonings, vinaigrettes, pesto, and, of course, ADJIGA:drool:. But adjiga is not only an armenian thing. I used to know a very handsome chef from Syria (long before the war) who put tons of it into his awesome wraps, which are called "Shaurma" ("Shawerma"),- unfortunately they are for the meat eaters only. I loved it when i was an omni.:rp:But now i'm obsessed with adjiga even more:master:, - once i even stole a small amount of it from my abkhazian landlady's pantry. :eek::D
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I really think i should start making my own compound vinaigrettes and seasonings: i've just tried the vinaigrette from the grocer. It contains lemon and orange juices, bay leaf, vinegar and various peppers, including cayenne (my favourite) :lick:. Pretty simple but tasty. What is for seasonings, it might be more complicated and pricey, moreover, nothing could compare to sumac. But it's worth trying. I would never forget the armenian market places, where the picturesque hajotz people are offering you home-made spices, compound seasonings, vinaigrettes, pesto, and, of course, ADJIGA:drool:. But adjiga is not only an armenian thing. I used to know a very handsome chef from Syria (long before the war) who put tons of it into his awesome wraps, which are called "Shaurma" ("Shawerma"),- unfortunately they are for the meat eaters only. I loved it when i was an omni.:rp:But now i'm obsessed with adjiga even more:master:, - once i even stole a small amount of it from my abkhazian landlady's pantry. :eek::D

Shawarma - Wikipedia

I’ve also seen it spelled shwarma here in the US. Omnis rave about it as it’s readily available here in Southern California, with a large number of immigrants who sell it or eat it, but I know it’s not vegetarian, as I’ve yet to see a vegetarian version offered in restaurants here. Damn.
Shawarma - Wikipedia

I’ve also seen it spelled shwarma here in the US. Omnis rave about it as it’s readily available here in Southern California, with a large number of immigrants who sell it or eat it, but I know it’s not vegetarian. Damn.
Well, everyone can make his own Shawerma using fake meats and veganaise instead of mayo. You can also vary the selection of veggies, pickles and seasonings.:) The difference between Tacos or something and Shawerma is that they use Lavash instead of Tortillas.:shrug: Lavash (armenian vegan bread) is so delicious itself that i can eat it plain.:drool:
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There is no way i can handle it.:shrug: My mom has found out that i've been watching VV on her android. She, herself, watches various maliscious sites and then asks me how to get rid of worms. And she's totally ok with it. But in this case she went histerical and started yelling: "Don't ever touch my phone again! Don't you dare to communicate with this horrible sect via my phone! KGB (!) will find you and kill us all!" :fp::wtf:Honestly, i have lost any intentions to help her with her phone :ttth:, and, obviously, to touch it ever again.:hurl:
[comical pseudo-Russian accent- you know, like Boris Badenov from "The Rocky And Bullwinkle Show"] When Revolution happens, Omnis will go to Gulag. [/accent]
Wow! I just have seen a food haul from Wegmans, and then went to their site. As i understand it, they carry vegan stuff. Honestly, i'm jealous because we don't have anything like that :???:, but it still can be helpful because i can search for some positive ideas there and even make some things similar to theirs myself :innocent:
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I saw a black squirrel on the way back from the store. :) As far as I knew, we didn't have them in this area... at least I've never seen one around here.

We have a lot of these guys and no others, or so I thought....


But, yay, we have black squirrels now, too! :D


At first I thought it was a small cat running through a yard.... I mean, I've seen plenty of black squirrels before, in my travels... just never here.
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