Whatcha Eatin?

2 yellow plums then steel cut oats/split red lentil, berries, banana, pb on toast and then we just had half a seedless watermelon

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com

wrong, not sure where my brain was yesterday... we had beans on toast except it was beans in a bowl cooked with onions, jalapeno, sliced sausage - with grapefruit and banana on the side

today is going to be more watermelon and noodley soup for lunch

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
This morning, I had a simple but very good breakfast: quick-cooking (but uncooked) rolled oats with seedless red grapes mixed in.

But now it's lunchtime and I'm hungry again... I'm craving unsalted-top saltines. These have salt as an ingredient, but don't taste like they have quite as much salt. But that wouldn't be a healthy lunch. I'll give it more thought.
I'm having a not-very-hungry day today for some reason. Yesterday, I couldn't get enough in me to fill me up, lol. Today, I'm like, meh. I did have some bannock bread with vegan butter and a handful of blueberries for breakfast. I may just nibble on a few things for lunch, as I want tacos for dinner.
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I'd never thought to add grapes to oatmeal--but I often cook it with raisins :shrug:
Having a couple peaches from TJ's, only place I've gotten good ones from
I don't think I know of anyone besides myself who has grapes with oats, and I'll admit they are quite different. But I like the juicy, fruity taste, and actually think if you use an equal number of grapes or raisins, the grapes add more.

I think I've been lucky with peaches, although the local farmer's market peaches aren't near ripe yet. The stores only have southern peaches- but I've been happy with them.

I had herb focaccia and an orange for breakfast, with water to drink.
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It was the Quorn steak bake. I haven't found the Gregg's one since they brought it back, annoyingly.
Was that Greggs? When we were in England, not one of the Swindon branches had them so I still haven't been able to try them!:sob:

It’s been ages since they have discontinued the baked. They now have a curry bean bake. I think we should start a petition as they were the best bakes ever.
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Breakfast was rolled oats (with the last of my red seedless grapes- but I've still got apples and peaches). Lunch was focaccia... with a big tablespoon of peanut butter on the side??!!... and water to drink. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
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