What's in your Garden (& Indoor Plants)

Nice! Hibiscus pops up everywhere in my neighborhood. They're in my two old azalea bushes, amongst other weedy type things
Now I'm mad at myself for not going out and pulling stuff out before they get leafy
Oh, yeah, right... Some people might be confused when they think that I'm sowing seeds on top of the snow lol.
I sowed the seeds inside. And as they grow, will koulia... I dunno what that's in english and am too lazy to find out.
But anyways, will koulia and then put them to the greenhouse.
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Here are the tomatoes which I don't know if they will survive; the other vegetables didn't make it. On a happier note, the hibiscus are doing great!

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This what I've been dealing with every time I try to plant something. Hence the hanging plants lol. Now I know why I always gave up so easily. It's very frustrating. But I finally made some headway this year. Let's see if I can get anything to grow. I tried to be good and chose plants that supposedly do well in partial shade and rocky soil.

Foot for comparison. And let me tell you I have big feet, haha. The bottom one is same size as the top.
I am doing my basil plants at the beach this year, because I am spending a lot more time there now that I don't work at night anymore. :) My mom and I planted them yesterday. I think the nights will finally be warm enough for them to do well. Let the pesto-making begin!