I never claimed that I've never acted in a snotty and arrogant manner. As a matter of fact, my worst years were before the Internet, where I dissed people face to face without hiding behind the mothers' skirt of online anonymity. I like to believe I've chilled a bit since then, but at least I admit it.
Whether or not you admit an ongoing fault doesn't make calling others out on the same fault any less or more ironic/hypocritical.
It's not as though the admission of an ongoing fault is a get out of jail free card for ongoing behavior. God knows, most of us would find it convenient if it were.
Some, however, are still in denial.
Anyone in particular you'd like to name, or do you prefer the passive aggressive approach?
Boy, do I have to qualify everything? Of course uncontrollable genetic factors play into the equation. But you stand a better chance of maintaining the best health for your age by eating healthy. Many foods, like processed meats, for example increase your risks for developing unfavorable health conditions as you age. Go ahead and deny that...
How much processed meat substitutes do you think people on here are eating?! Considering the price of those foods, I imagine they make up a relatively small percentage of everyone's diet.
I have never engaged in a pile on on VV of a new member unless they were clearly an omni. The percentage who stick around is obviously low to begin with, so why make an effort to decrease that percentage further?
I didn't say you had "engaged in a pile on ...of a new member."
I do think, however, that non-new members don't deserve any lesser degree of regard/courtesy than new members. Do you?
And, if your concern is a pragmatic one of maintaining membership numbers, then I would posit that you should actually be nicer to "proven" members than ones who, in all likelihood, won't stick around anyway. (To be clear, that's not my position - I don't think anyone is entitled to "better" treatment because of longevity or lack thereof.)
Just as a matter of curiosity - exactly where do you think the "pile on" occurred? My post? Silva's? Forty Two's? We all made different points. How is that a "pile on"? What's the "permissible" number of responses to a post?