I've been avoiding this argument, because the welfare queen myth pisses me off so, so much. To the point of shaking, it makes me so angry.
But I will say this. This morning, I had a bagel and coffee - junk food. I attend university. I am typing this out on a macbook pro. I have a smartphone.
I also don't have a job - school is a full time endeavor for me. My "paycheck" comes from the government every month, and my tuition is also covered my U.S. tax dollars, in the form of the Montgomery G.I. Bill. A system I payed into, yes, but I've gotten far, far more out than I've put in. I'm lucky that I also live with my longterm partner, who has a well paying job. But that doesn't negate the fact that most of my expenses come out of my monthly stipend. My macbook pro was a gift from the bf, and it's over five years old now, but perhaps I should sell it and get something cheaper so as not to offend taxpayers? My smartphone, too? My bf works in IT, so having a data plan is a necessity for him, so we would still be paying a bill for a smartphone, but at least I wouldn't *appear* to be wasting taxpayer dollars.
The house we just bought, too, was financed by my boyfriend using the V.A. loan. Between what we have in savings and his new job, we could have afforded to finance a home a different way, but the V.A. loan was the best deal and allowed us to get the house we were truly in love with. Perhaps we should have settled on a house that wasn't so perfect to avoid using government money.
I feel like I'm not judged because I appear middle class, indeed I consider us to be comfortably middle class. But really there isn't much separating me from a "welfare queen", except that I know I have a good support system. So judge me if you want for using taxpayer dollars, but I am not sorry.