Nutrition & Diet April Health Challenge

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I've been eating slightly better than usual but no exercise yet because I'm still poorly!
I'm away from home this week, so I haven't been skipping with rope or tracking my food as carefully. I also haven't weighed myself. But I did manage to go swimming, and I definitely haven't overindulged on the food side of things. So not all bad.
I've been failing majorly. Just feeling very crappy & ill at the moment & need to sort myself out!
I have done well so far. Since I had 3 days off in a row from work, I was able to get back to taking a walk at the trail near me. I also bought some fresh veggies and have avoided sweets except for a bit of coconut ice cream in a strawberry smoothie. Avoiding sweets is very hard for me but I have decided that I will have a 100 calorie packet as a snack at work and try to not eat any when I am at home. I also bought an adorable skirt at the thrift store that is too tight around my nonexistent waist so that is good motivation as well. Of course there are the OTHER clothes that no longer fit as well. :D
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I joined a "biggest loser" weight loss contest at work that started February 1 and continues through May. I've done pretty well with it so far, losing 10 lbs in the first 2 months, just by watching what I eat, with no additional exercise. So my goal for April (and May) is to stick with it. I don't have a specific weight loss goal, though I do want to get my BMI down to "average" instead of "overweight", which requires losing another 7 lbs. But I'll stick with it through the end of May, even if I meet that goal before then.

Update: Just had my weekly weigh in. Lost another 1.4 lbs this week.

I weighed in this morning and I somehow managed to gain a pound. I think it may be due to my restarting the weight lifting. I've read that muscles sometimes retain water while healing after working out with weights. I was a little discouraged because I was pretty good with the food part this week. I certainly didn't eat enough all week to gain anything. Oh well, I will soldier on. I did an intense 35-minute treadmill session that included some pretty steep (for me) inclines (up to a 10% incline) and then some lifting (mostly arm work). I have an 8-mile hike planned for Sunday, and tomorrow I will take a nice walk in my neighborhood if it's nice. If it's not nice, I will hit the gym.
I weighed in this morning and I somehow managed to gain a pound. I think it may be due to my restarting the weight lifting. I've read that muscles sometimes retain water while healing after working out with weights. I was a little discouraged because I was pretty good with the food part this week. I certainly didn't eat enough all week to gain anything. Oh well, I will soldier on. I did an intense 35-minute treadmill session that included some pretty steep (for me) inclines (up to a 10% incline) and then some lifting (mostly arm work). I have an 8-mile hike planned for Sunday, and tomorrow I will take a nice walk in my neighborhood if it's nice. If it's not nice, I will hit the gym.

Also, bear in mind that your weight fluctuates by a pound or two during the day. Don't lose your motivation, it sounds like you're doing great :D
Also, bear in mind that your weight fluctuates by a pound or two during the day. Don't lose your motivation, it sounds like you're doing great :D
Thanks! I won't, at least not for today, haha!
Just had a delicious smoothie, I don't know why I ever lose the habit of them, they're lush!

Itching to exercise but I've still got a cough on my lungs :( going for a walk in a bit just to stretch my legs.
Did a 15 minute 'ballet' (it wasn't ballet :p ) DVD yesterday, worked up a sweat!

Had an avocado and cucumber smoothie and 2 clementines for breakfast. Also a couple of a chocolate caramels and a coffee but I'm all about adding healthy stuff, not cutting out the unhealthy ;)

Going to do 15-30 minutes of yoga in a minute, then I get to do the 3 mile walk I used to do to work everyday before I moved jobs. Man I miss that walk, I miss getting in 4-12 miles walking a day.

Still coughing so no running yet but I'm scouting races I fancy signing up to, so will have to get arse in gear soon. Thank goodness for light evenings, will be able to run after work now.
Ok it was half an hour of yoga, I need to do that way more often, I'm so stiff!
Walked 5 miles today and cycled about 4, glorious day :)

(Sorry to update every little detail, I like to keep track like this!)
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I like reading the updates. It helps motivate me, so keep 'em up! It sounds like you are kicking some serious exercise butt. Way to go, yally!
My update:
I walked four miles in my town on Saturday, to the store and back; I hiked seven miles in a lovely camping area in Massachusetts on Sunday; and today I did 36 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes of weights before work. My eating was pretty good, save for Saturday when I had two beers and french fries with my awesome veggie sandwich at a restaurant.
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I started off the week with a nice hour long walk on Sunday. I planned on repeating today but got called in to work which is a form of exercise as I have to walk all over the store for 5 hours. :D Planning on walks on my next days off later in the week. I am still eating too much I think. Need to get to the store for some more fresh fruit.
My friend and I walked outside at work this morning. I was hoping to get in close to an hour, but I didn't get there early enough. I still managed 40 minutes. It's a good walk because we go pretty fast and there are some nice hills. Food was pretty good today, but last night I sort of overdid it with the popcorn and drizzled chocolate. :D. It could have been worse, though! I consider it a small victory that I didn't eat the entire batch of popcorn. I have some leftover for a snack tonight.
Yayayay you guys!

So I ate pretty well today, have decided to replace most breakfasts with smoothies and fruit :)

Also did 15 minutes of relaxation yoga. My arms are killing me from yesterday, I think because it's so long since I've done downwards dog.
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Yally, I am trying to do the same with breakfast, though I broke down today and had crackers and peanut butter instead of a smoothie. I did have fruit, though.
That sounds like a pretty good breakfast anyhow! :D

Today I ate pretty well (for me, as long as I get all my portions of fruit and veg and don't mostly live on chocolate and crisps, I'm doing well!). I'm mostly craving healthier food right now so that helps!

Managed to get in a 3 mile walk this evening and 15 minutes yoga.
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It is indeed a good breakfast :D. Great job on the food and exercise.
My work friend and I met with a trainer at the gym yesterday and it was a good workout. Got some new weight exercises to do, along with hitting the spin bike for the first time. Whew, that was a butt-kicker. I needed to up the intensity a bit, so hopefully this will help with the hiking trip come summer.
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