Hi there folks - I'm pleased to be here and thank you for having me.
I became vegan at the age of 44 back in 2015 when I went to a slaughterhouse here in rural NC where, that particular day, they were "processing" pigs. I did not know I was going to a slaughterhouse at the time (long story) but once I got there, I had this moment where my conscience compelled me to go when I was offered to come inside to have a look. As you may have expected, it did not go well. I smelled, heard, and could almost taste raw fear and death for the first time in my life, and as I saw this poor pig get the bolt, be shackled, hoisted, and have his throat cut, I went into physical and emotional shock (for lack of a better phrase). I ran outside and puked in the parking lot and my mind was spinning like the Mac beachball. I did not know what to do. I could not grasp what I'd just seen. I was consumed with fury at myself for being so inexcusably naïve. And I was equally consumed with pain, despair, and sorrow for the uncountable number of animals who had, are, and who would go through this (a short time later, I would read about what the actual jaw-dropping numbers would be). Part of me died that day right along with that poor pig. Although the word "vegan" was nowhere in my mind at that time, the deepest depths of my being just screamed out, "I am DONE - forever."
Apologies if the above story reads as dramatic, but it's the truth and it is still the most significant event in my life in 51 years.
As for me, I identify as an abolitionist vegan. I think Gary Francione's
Abolitionist Approach principles are soundly reasoned, consistent, practical, and the philosophy of it really spoke to me. I've read every book Francione has written, and I feel he is treated unfairly by his detractors who denounce him for being "too pure" and he gets a perpetual bad rap as a result. I'm mostly a low-key and a "live and let live" person, so my activism - other than just being vegan, which is activism all by itself - is "being the change I wish to see in the world" and allowing others to approach me, which I find goes well most of the time. In fact, I've found that far more people approach me than I would ever have thought possible. I've purchased several copies of
The Starch Solution and I give a copy to anyone who seems interested in going vegan but who isn't sure what to eat. In my now seven years as a vegan, I've influenced a total of 4 people to go vegan, and I'm very pleased with that. As long as I feel like someone is engaging with me in good faith, and I've got them thinking critically about it at the very least, I consider that to be a success.
Anyway, that's my "story." I look forward to getting to know you and to having some good engagement.
And, thank you for taking the time to read my intro post