The Weather.

I saw that on fb! People were asking if it was safe to come out now. I think one was East Haddam or Essex. I'd be a mess if I got a warning like that.
Yep, she's in East Haddam. Fortunately, there was no damage or anything. I did get a warning like that a couple of summers ago, but thankfully nothing bad happened. Just a lot of wind and rain. It was scary, though. I spent about half an hour in the basement.
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Yep, she's in East Haddam. Fortunately, there was no damage or anything. I did get a warning like that a couple of summers ago, but thankfully nothing bad happened. Just a lot of wind and rain. It was scary, though. I spent about half an hour in the basement.
Does she share my first name? 😉
Sooo, today we had a tornado warning, and I had to spend half an hour in the basement. Luckily, nothing happened but a lot of rain, wind and thunder. What a crazy couple of days of nasty weather.
I hope this isn't a sign of things to come with climate change. 😞 We got a high wind warning and were told to seek shelter but nothing happened. Unlike with snow, I don't get mad when they say something is coming and it doesn't lol. I do get annoyed if it's a simple Thunder storm because I like those (without scary lightning). But we never get more than 1-2 rumbles and then it's over.

But these last three days were nuts with all of the alerts. I haven't heard of any tornadoes touching down but six people were struck by lightning. Scary stuff.
Just for fun I did a little research on the best places to go in a tornado. Sadly, I'm doomed lol. No basement. No room without an outside wall or window. Best case would be the closet under the half stairway (split ranch) which right now is packed with stuff. But even that is right by the front door. Hopefully it will never come to where we need to seek shelter. We're certainly not in a tornado zone. But I worry about climate change, especially after these past few days.
We sat on the beach for only 5 minutes on the way back home from London and then walked home and my face was so red. It was midday which probably wasn't a good idea! It is meant to be even hotter the next three days.
I would be so scared to live somewhere where they had very extreme weather, we are fairly lucky over here. Everyone freaks out if we have a few flakes of snow in winter.
I would be so scared to live somewhere where they had very extreme weather, we are fairly lucky over here. Everyone freaks out if we have a few flakes of snow in winter.
The only thing we used to have to worry about was hurricane season, but the past few years, the weather has gotten way more extreme with the tornado warnings and other intense thunderstorms and high winds. And it's happening earlier in the summer and with more frequency and intensity. Climate change is no joke. As a kid, I don't ever remember tornado threats.
It is hot and humid with a good chance of thunderstorms/rain this afternoon. This is typical Florida weather in the summer.
There is major flooding back in Iowa where I grew up and my cousin who lives in Sioux Falls, SD posted pictures of her town basically underwater. This is an effect of climate change. More major hurricanes are being predicted every year which is a major threat to Florida. It is scary!
My bedroom gets so airless in the night as we can't have the window open because of the street noise and we keep our door closed so our dog stays in the room. I was very glad to get up and open all the windows this morning. I think we will probably need the electric fan on in there tonight.
We had a bit of a tornado scare, and I guess one did touch down a few counties away, but fortunately there was little damage and no injuries.

ETA: Happy (belated) FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!!! (I couldn't get on-line yesterday).
I don't know exactly where you are, but I saw that upstate NY was having some scary weather and I thought of you. I'm glad everything turned out ok. 💙
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