Top ten narcissistic reason for being vegan.

Online commenting as well as texting limit the translation of sarcasm and humor, leaving much which can be misconstrued. It's been a thing since IMing became popular. That being the case, when misunderstood a quick apology or explanation solves a lot of problems. However, pretending to find offense is disingenuous, and rejecting kindness shown is not something I advocate. In the future, consider yourself free from any interaction with me, as I don't want to ruin your forum experiences.
Omg I don't care. I just don't understand why this thread won't stay on topic. Breastfeeding has nothing to do with veganism. This thread might as well be in the lounge.
Okay. I just want to clarify and say I just wanted to discuss veganism, but my small comment where I only briefly talk about breastfeeding took off to helping it make that the topic of this thread. My original post in this thread is 85% talking about the topic which is narcissistic veganism, but everyone else is interested in discussing breastfeeding for whatever reason. Posting things that are off topic can actually get posts deleted, which isn't fair to the OP, and I'm quite done being a part of that. OP, sorry your thread isn't staying on topic, but I'm not sorry for saying your joke was super inappropriate. It's just that everytime I've made jokes, my jokes were always rated PG, had disclaimers where I actually said it was a joke, and didn't come off creepy, yet my jokes get more hate than a joke like that. The fact that it was even defended makes me even more uncomfortable. There are 13 year olds who sometimes click on this site, and I don't want them seeing things like that. That's why people are asked to censor themselves with astericks or to not say anything too offensive. Okay. Again, sorry for any trouble. I'm not watching this thread anymore.
I really do not want to offend anyone on this forum. I am sorry.

Here is a cool video.

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