I'm going to have PB Heinz tomato soup with sourdough for lunch today. 
It must be so nice having fruit trees. I used to have two apple and a peach tree when I moved into my previous home. Unfortunately the peach tree died within two years but the peaches were delicious, and a bad storm took out one of the apple trees. I was so sad. It was gorgeous.A roll with spread and Philadelphia plant based cream cheese.
A freshly squeezed glass of orange juice. I picked quite a few lemons and oranges in the grounds.
It must be so nice having fruit trees. I used to have two apple and a peach tree when I moved into my previous home. Unfortunately the peach tree died within two years but the peaches were delicious, and a bad storm took out one of the apple trees. I was so sad. It was gorgeous.
It's nippy here today, too. I'm also having some soup in a bit: the last of the roasted butternut squash soup, plus some chickpea salad on a bed of lettuce.it's freakin' cold out so today is definitely a noodley soup day and will be piled high with kale and veggies and some soy curls in it
Emma JC
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