Would you eat Anencephaly meat?

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I said as that it's quite possible to eat meat without any stuff like that in it.
At a higher cost..

And the point of my comment was that I have my viewpoint, and clearly you have yours (which you seem to have a chip on your shoulder about given your snappy responses and jpeg), so there is no reason to waste time posting back and forth.

Got something under your skin today? Doesn't matter. Life's too short.
This is kind of like the oyster thread. "Why not eat the slimy things? I want to. If you dont want to you are illogical. How do you define sentient?"

Yep also reminds me of the "If you were alone on a deserted island would you kill an animal in order to survive?" questions.:rolleyes:

I'm shocked that you would be shocked! This is in the vegan section and vegans don't use animal products so the important point is that this meat would be from an animal, it doesn't make any difference to me if it's meat from a brainless animal or roadkill or an animal that had died from natural causes, I have no intention of ever eating animals again.

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Hmm. Let's see. Do I want to eat developmentally disabled animal toddlers?

No? Guess I'm a bad vegan...

This is upsetting in the way that watching The Matrix for the first time is upsetting. Except it's real life and doesn't have dumb sequels to worry about.
what did you find upsetting about The Matrix?

Wasn't it basically designed to be upsetting? Everything you live for is a lie, you're actually enslaved in this grotesque system with billions of others, completely unaware that they're absorbing dead people through their skin and are being tended to by a variety of robotic octopus things, while the only civilization on Earth sits deep underground and is composed of a population that will no longer sustain itself after a while?

And on top of that, everything good/happy about the movies is negated when you realize that Neo retains his superpowers in real life and is therefore in a second Matrix, meaning that the machines were prepared for this and actually created ANOTHER fake world for people to pretend to escape to and fight against fake machines so they could stay nicely out of reach?

Seriously, that was actually acknowledged to be the reality of the movies at one point.

But I digress. This is about breeding disabled animals, right? Not going on about a last-minute nerdy joke I made when I was pretty tired anyway...
I though The Matrix, from the last movie, was about the battle maybe between God and the Devil(the prophet woman and the guy with the white beard), or something, or maybe it was just an advance computer game between those two....

Still, let's get back to the disabled animals...
I wish this thread would sink down past the first page line. Hopefully it will in time.
I'm so curious it's taking a lot of energy now not to google frog babies. Could someone tell me what it is (in a spoiler or pm if necessary) please xxx

Horribly disabled children that look awful and grotesque and sad. Not worth googling, it looks exactly as you'd think.

I was expecting some case where a bunch of tadpoles or something were born with the disease, and when I saw the title "Baby with Anencephaly" I was like "huh?" and clicked it and it was awful.
Horribly disabled children that look awful and grotesque and sad. Not worth googling, it looks exactly as you'd think.

I was expecting some case where a bunch of tadpoles or something were born with the disease, and when I saw the title "Baby with Anencephaly" I was like "huh?" and clicked it and it was awful.

Omg, that's just what I was thinking. Would never have expected that. Thanks for letting me know xxx
I'm shocked that you would be shocked! This is in the vegan section and vegans don't use animal products so the important point is that this meat would be from an animal, it doesn't make any difference to me if it's meat from a brainless animal or roadkill or an animal that had died from natural causes, I have no intention of ever eating animals again.
This. It's still animal exploitation, which vegans seek to avoid.
Anencephaly is a condition which causes a baby animal to be born without a brain. These animals are blind, deaf, unconscious, and unable to feel pain. When these animals reach maturity they can breed via artificial insemination creating more animals with Anencephaly. Slaughtering these animals wouldn't have the same ethical implications as slaughtering animals with brains.

Would you consider eating meat if it came from an animal with Anencephaly?

No i do not want to eat animal flesh what ever the source I became vegan because i object to animals being eaten full stop.
Strange things happen when you test out hypothetical scenarios against your morality, you end up with threads like this. I understand in a way, it makes sense to try out your mortality on hypothetical situations and see what you learn.

But I can't really get over how sad it is to think about all those disabled babies - human and non-human. It feels very distasteful even contemplating the morality of eating a disabled baby. I think that using an example that's not distant and hypothetical but here, and actually very sad, makes the whole thing seem much more crass than a hypothetical pig who can't feel anything. Especially as it applies to humans too, and whereas we guess to some degree the level of understanding animals have of their young, we know how deeply upsetting it is for a human to be in a situation where there is an Anecephatic baby. It's not surprising the reactions have been much more volatile than in more hypothetical situations.

In some ways, I don't really understand the endless fascination with creating meat from a non-sentient, non-aware source just because lots of people avoid meat because they feel it's wrong to eat something sentient and aware. Vegetarians are mostly happy not eating meat, and meat-eaters aren't bothered. I suppose I would understand more if I wanted to eat meat in some way.
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