Supper/Dinner Time! What's on the menu ?

last night we had a decent size side salad with romaine/cucumber/cherry tomatoes and a hummusy dressing - udon noodles with spicy peanut sauce and I was still a bit hungry so had a quarter of a whole wheat baguette - butter free

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Thanks for sharing Emma, interesting- will try a hummusy dressing one day. Last night I had home-made hummus (as side dish rather than dressing)- 20230628_203816.jpg with whole-grain bread and an improvised 'Potato + salad'; the red colour on top of the salad is from Sumac. These are not Instagram-quality photos but just to give you an idea of the type of meals I am trying to have these days. When I cook pasta I try to opt for healthier options - like whole-grain pastas, bean pastas or buckwheat pastas... 20230628_203935.jpg
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Yesterday I was invited for dinner: I had rice with stir-fried vegetables- it was all vegan but too oily for me; sometimes, when we are with friends and family, I feel one has to 'compromise' on things like these and try to 'portion control'; and always feel grateful for their invitation.
Later, at home, I had an oil-free Okra stew on rice; plus my 'Maz dessert': a mix of mashed banana/dried fruits/nuts/frozen berries with Tahini and cinnamon...(a 5-minute desert, nutritious and tasty; no blender or cooking needed- highly recommended)
Steak medallions from the Gentle Chef book, with a horseradish powder mixed with mayo. Incredible! I was so excited to make them I didn't make anything else other than onions and pepper
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Yesterday at a party: I had Hummus, fatoush salad, roasted potatoes, bread (unfortunately they only had white bread). Later, at home, for dessert: 2 whole-grain slices spread with banana, dates, crushed cashew nuts and tahini
Leftover Gardein crispy tenders with mandarin sauce, sweet corn, roast vegetables deglazed with
balsamic vinegar plus a tossed salad with evo vinaigrette.

Berry and black cherry crumble made with a blend of ww and white flour/ground almonds plus pb butter served with
California Farms whipped cream.
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very lazy last night and had a very large noodley soup for lunch so just took a Field Roast Mexican Chipotle sausage (cooked first) and a w/w large tortilla and sprinkled in some cheez shreds, rolled it up and toasted it in the frying pan for a few minutes on each side - side of tortilla chips and salsa

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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I cooked a pound of pinto beans and made half with baked bean stuff, other half with oats into burgers.
Every time I make 'baked' beans I say I should have rinsed them before adding things, and they overcooked. Still true, but very good. I added vegan Worcestershire and a peach bbq sauce from Aldi.
And green beans that weren't quite cooked. I do have issue with getting fresh green beans cooked right