Hmm I have been reading this post with interest and the only things I can think to say are... :
1. The only way I ever notice "cliquishness" is by being ignored. I don't notice if the same people agree with each other, or seem friendly together, or even "Jump on" other members because I don't really pay that much attention. But what I do always notice is if I join a chatty thread and get ignored, and that's something I noticed a lot on other forums, and I think it would be nice if we made a conscious effort not to do that.
2. I agree that people post random things in chat threads because they haven't followed the whole long conversation, or don't have anything to add to it, but want to be involved. I don't have a problem with that, and that responding to it is a lot more inclusive (i.e.: just saying "hi!" or "yeah I love coffee too!" or "I prefer tea!") than saying you shouldn't do it.
3. I think the LIKE button helps a lot in this respect, you can acknowledge posts without having to post yourself.
4. I think this is the main point really... we're all talking about inclusiveness and not being cliquey... but we also are all one big clique. In particular because most of us know each other from another vegetarian forum, and we refer to it a lot - usually quite ambiguously - and to members there that aren't here, things that happen there, and things that have happened in the past there. I think if I was new I'd have no clue what people were talking about half the time, what other forum? what's VB? who is X? and probably think this wasn't what I was looking for. I don't know if it's putting people off or not, but I think it would put me off. I don't know what the solution is... I like the buddy idea a lot, and I think it might help if we were less ambiguous when talking about the other vegetarian forum (VB) - or if we just talked about forums in general instead? I don't know but it seems like it's worth bringing up because I think it could leave people feeling left out.
5. Also, as far as interesting veg*an discussions go... maybe we could have typical "hot topic" threads, and typical new people question threads, to start a big discussion about things that new people are probably wanting to ask. Even things we might be a bit tired of discussing because a lot of us have been on veg*an forums before. Things like, is honey vegan? do you wear leather? why is wool cruel? do plants feel? would you eat meat grown in a lab? what about if I raise my own chickens, is that vegan, is it cruel? Do you use medication that's been tested on animals (I know we have that one at the moment!

)? Do you use vegan condoms/tampons? Do you eat gelatin? What about using horse manure on crops? ... I think these are questions you see a lot on vegetarian forums, because they're common questions everybody wants to know, but we don't have many of them because lots of us have been on other vegetarian forums and have thought about it before. But if we started the threads anyway, and everybody said what they thought
a) people searching for these questions will find them on here and bring them over
b) new people will be interested in reading them, and contributing to them, and so I think they're more like the kind of things new people want to read
c) the reason a lot of people have seen them lots before, is because it's what people are interested in knowing, so it makes sense to start these kinds of threads on here too
... that's really long sorry, I sorta saved them up for one big post!