July Health Challenge (2019)

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I might be doing a 12km run in September. My friend wanted to do a run after August, and the only race I could find nearby for September/October was a 12km. It's actually an ultra marathon with the option to do shorter races... like 50km, 20km, or 12km ... yes, those are the "shorter" ones! There's no 5km available. Those ultra-marathoners would probably laugh in the face of a 5km race! Anyway, we're sort of talking each other into signing up for it, and we've decided to think on it tonight. I'm thinking yes. I hope she doesn't change her mind!
I hope everyone knows that my comment about posting in the June thread was just me trying to be a bit “cheeky”. I am my biggest fan, after all. :lol:

It really wasn’t a big deal at all. :)
I could make this four days in a row but I’m having a hard time getting out of the chair. I need to go soon if I’m going to do it because I have to leave in two hours...we have several condos to visit in Branford. I’m so excited but I’ll be in the car a lot so I really should go walking.
I could make this four days in a row but I’m having a hard time getting out of the chair. I need to go soon if I’m going to do it because I have to leave in two hours...we have several condos to visit in Branford. I’m so excited but I’ll be in the car a lot so I really should go walking.
Good luck with the condos observing! We're looking forward to hearing what you think about them!:apple:
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I was reading an interesting book this morning and it was saying what type of foods you should eat to improve your brain health. I'm going to make sure I have some of them daily from now on.

I'm also going to start meditating or doing mindfulness each morning. I tried it today and my mind kept jumping around all over the place. It gets easier the more often you do it.
After over a year of dieting, I'm happily in "hold" mode for now. I'm maintaining a weight that is a pound or two under my initial goal by continuing to walk every day and do yoga most days. My lower back pain still comes and goes (and can be quite fierce), but I find that the stretching inherent in yoga seems to make it better when I'm suffering.

I'm really trying to be conscientious and truthful on my FitBit calorie counter - which is hard for me! (Funny how you get better results when you don't delete entries you don't want to admit to eating. :rolleyes:) I had to buy a half dozen donuts for a painting I'm doing and ended up eating what was probably a whole donut but consisted of sections of several as there were different flavors. I really didn't want to enter it, but I did. :lick:
I just ordered a smart watch online for a really good price. It's supposed to arrive by the end of the month.

I think we are doing the race. It's just a matter of making it official by registering! And then I will have to practice my highway driving skills.... it's about an hour's drive from here.
Still afraid to pair my 'free' Chinese smartwatch with my cell or computer o_O:bag: . not too sure what it could do or why it would, but I'm somewhat paranoid :tinfoilhat:
Still afraid to pair my 'free' Chinese smartwatch with my cell or computer o_O:bag: . not too sure what it could do or why it would, but I'm somewhat paranoid :tinfoilhat:
Have you done any research on the smartwatch? Google it and look for reviews, that sort of thing. And I understand your paranoia; make sure all your virus software is up to date on your phone and your computer before you pair it. But I would try finding out any information out on the net about it first.
It's Lifetech group. I really can't find reviews, or anyplace it's sold other than it's own site. They have a small facebook page
It's Lifetech group. I really can't find reviews, or anyplace it's sold other than it's own site. They have a small facebook page
It must be a really small company. I can't find anything either. There are some on ebay but no reviews. I don't think it will harm your computer or phone to link it. Is there an app to do so?
I tried doing a search on it too but couldn’t find anything. :(
I went for a run last night, following the time/pace this training guide suggested. So instead of my usual 45 minutes, I did 30, and I did longer jogging intervals and fewer walking intervals. It was very humid outside, so I felt sick by the end of it. Ugh. I've been posting my progress to Instagram to keep myself motivated. I'm supposed to go again tomorrow or Sunday, I forget which day.
The humidity affects me too, even early in the morning and all I do is walk. I think I would die if I tried to jog although last week I did try jogging short intervals and I kind of liked it but then my knees started to hurt.
I had a good five days in a row. I missed Wednesday just a tad. If I had checked before going to bed I would have run up and down the stairs a few times lol. But Monday made up for it so at least I averaged out ok.

I was doing good with eating but had a bad day and it threw me off a bit. Plus I think I’m eating too much fruit. For the first time in years I’m finding delicious peaches, plums and cherries. They’ve been exceptional. It’s better than eating the junk food but I still shouldn’t over indulge. WW May count it as zero foods but that only works when you stick to serving sizes.

Today is going to be a total loss and a “going to hell with myself” day. I’m visiting a friend who is most likely going to be laid off at work so she’s been upset lately as she’s the main bread winner and has a young son. My other friend and I have been her support system. So her significant other took their son to visit his parents. Us girls are going to hang out for a few hours. She was insistent/obsessed with finding me vegan food even though I told her not to worry about it. Because we are getting together in the morning, she found a store near her that sells vegan scones, donuts, cupcakes and muffins. She bought a crazy assortment. Guess what I’m having for breakfast? I’m so excited! :lol:

People like her amaze me. :smitten:
Wow KLS, you are getting the steps in! I made over 10K yesterday but that is not the norm for me. Though I did read an article stating that 10K is not really necessary; I think it said 7K was "enough." But a goal to shoot for is a good thing!
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That’s good to know about the 7K being “enough”. I only make 10000 on days when I do my two mile walk in the morning and when I go to work. Some weekends, mostly during the winter, I barely make 3000 if I’m being a slug on the couch watching Netflix.

I just happened to have a good week where, even though I’m not reaching 6 hours sleep, I’m waking up feeling decent and not too achy. I’m still icing my hip and neck/shoulder. That helps too. I am happy though. Now I just need to hope that I can get back on the healthy eating wagon after today’s binge. :)
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