Moll Flanders
B - Crumpets and a strawberry soya milkshake.
L - Vegan sausage, roast potatoes and grilled asparagus. I have a lot of asparagus leftover so I'm thinking about making a creamy soup for tomorrow's lunch.
D - I'm not sure yet.
Snacks - I have some mushroom pate to use up so I will probably have it with some crackers and fruit.
Wow, I just looked online and Redwood's have so many new items since I last checked.
L - Vegan sausage, roast potatoes and grilled asparagus. I have a lot of asparagus leftover so I'm thinking about making a creamy soup for tomorrow's lunch.
D - I'm not sure yet.
Snacks - I have some mushroom pate to use up so I will probably have it with some crackers and fruit.
Redwood's fake duck pieces. Om nom nom
Wow, I just looked online and Redwood's have so many new items since I last checked.