Physical Exercise Yoga

Day one done!

Half an hour in candlelight and finish with my legs up the wall, good feeling.

In all honesty I wasn't in the mood for it this evening (after a take away and a film mope on the sofa) so I'm glad I had a reason to MAKE me do it, body is happier for it :)
Day 2 wasn't easy because my mum is here to visit so nowhere to do anything in private! Managed a few postures at least.

Also bought B.K.S. Iyengar's Light Yoga from my shop. It's great, it's proper old school. So earnest!
I wanna do yoga! Never done proper yoga before, just a few "yoga-esque" stretches and such. I need some kind of physical activity, though. Might help with my mood. :|

What do you suggest for brand new beginners?
I wanna do yoga! Never done proper yoga before, just a few "yoga-esque" stretches and such. I need some kind of physical activity, though. Might help with my mood. :|

What do you suggest for brand new beginners?

Get to a class if you can or even better a beginners' course. Nothing beats having someone making adjustments right off the bat so you don't pick up bad habits :)

Also DK 15 minute gentle yoga book and DVD, I keep going on about it but I think it's a brilliant way to edge into yoga.

Speaking of, day 3 was just the wind down section of that. REALLY NICE. I haven't done it for a while because I was getting bored of it but the relaxation at the end is great. I am go zzzzz.

Going to take my own advice and try to get to some classes soon.
sorry couldnt post over the weekend.

# 4 of the yoga challenge and I am still going strong. this morning felt stiff and tired but crawled to my mat! :bag:

Felt great afterwards even thou I had to stop my practice 3 times to help babsy-bear (my daughter) her molars are coming out and she wasnt a very happy camper.

The Power yoga dvd is great and I find susan fulton calming and awesome. Find it more basic Asthanga / Hatha yoga then power yoga which I prefer.

Had an interesting conversation at braai with my brother in law last night. He is a qualified yoga teacher, did a course in India when he was there in 2010. WHO would have thought?

So he also gave me some introduction books re Hatha yoga. He likes the traditional styles of yoga.


Yoga is really changing my life.

My whole day is positive and my energy levels are up when I have started my day with yoga.

Eat to Live, Dont Live to Eat and Focus on Positive Energy. Thats my motto for today.

Also trying to practice : If you dont have anything good to say about anything or somebody - DONT SPEAK. The tongue is so small but it can do so much damage.

I wanna do yoga! Never done proper yoga before, just a few "yoga-esque" stretches and such. I need some kind of physical activity, though. Might help with my mood. :|

What do you suggest for brand new beginners?

Susan Fulton has a dvd called Power Yoga. I find it very good for beginners. Do it, you will not look back. My mood has improved 100% but like everything in life it takes dicipline and practice
# Day 5 - This morning wasnt so easy, bit of a stiff back due to infection but going to dr today to sort it out . Find it hard to usually stick to any kind of exercise but find yoga becomes addictive.

I was tired but I always focus on the feeling afterwards cause I always feel refreshed, relaxed and energized :clap:

I actually find it easy to get up in the morning, but I am an early bird :chickens:, then there is more than enough time to get everything done before my little precious baby girl wakes up.

Hows everyone's yoga going?

What posture did you do for yourself today? I enjoyed strong upward dog today and warrior
I skipped two days and did a bit today. I have to skip tomorrow. I am trying to at the very least get 5 days a week.
any yoga is better then no yoga and i think 5 days a week is super... i have cycitist which is going into a kidney infection - horrible got some antibiotics GROSS :eek: but last resort...

i will still do my yoga :clp:

Ouch! *hugs*

Days 4 and 5 done :)
:dizzy: did my yoga - like always, FANBLOODYTASTIC... :zen:

at worked but dr booked me off - uncomfortable sitting at a desk - back pain severe. so going home now, getting hot water bottle popping antibiotics (last resort) and pain pill and going to watch so you think you can dance #9
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I am with you all, I have practiced each day since the challenge began! My shoulders are sore in a good way.

I start my new job tomorrow (!) so tonight I will be doing a very meditation- heavy, B r e a t h I n g yoga.

I also got new vegan, comfortable, cute shoes on super clearance, (nonyoga related, but uplifting just the same).

Keep it up, everyone, and anyone new join in whenever! Yamaste, bitches! ;)
:sob:had to put #7 on hold. kidney infection combined with antibiotics makes me feel a bit bad, so decided to take it easy this morning and sleep 30 min later.

I am feeling better today, thanks everyone.

The pressure on my kidneys and back are better.

Yoga is becoming a lifestyle. I am loving it.

Will continue tomorrow mornings with #7 as I know its better to listen to your body and rest when you need it.

Also doing liquid detox today for the whole day, want to start doing it ones a week to flush out toxins from body and kidneys.

Glad you are feeling a bit better. Make sure you get some good rest :) .
Day 7 done, woo!

I've got no energy lately so exercise is tough. Definitely got nothing to make myself run so I'm so glad I'm doing this because I'm too stubborn to miss a day unless I ABSOLUTELY have to.

I have more flexibility already, can push deeper into postures, that's a great feeling!