Physical Exercise Yoga

I took my mat and some DVDs to Greece but there was no DVD player and it was just too hot and bright to do anything other than lie in the Sun or be in water.

So lost the habit a bit and not done any yet this month. Getting stiff, need some motivation.
Have any of you been taught anything about "glands" in the context of yoga? My Indian yoga teacher spent a lot of time on the subject, I seem to remember. He showed us the best technique to wash our face and upper body (!!!) in order to stimulate glands correctly. Sounds a bit far out, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he could be on to something.
Today I did maybe 10 minutes of it. It was just enough to take the tension out of my lower back. I want to do that every day from now on and maybe once I'll get used to that, I can increase the time. Better than nothing right?
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ok... i have decided from Monday I am back on the wagon... want to do another 30 day challenge...

will do it again first thing in the mornings, just need something to wake me up!!!!

I would love to go back to doing classes at the buddha rettreat around the corner from my house but at the moment best is first thing in the morning..

I dont know but somehow, through this thing with my dad I almost felt too scared to do yoga and have been avoiding it.

MONDAY! Bring it on...
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Have any of you been taught anything about "glands" in the context of yoga? My Indian yoga teacher spent a lot of time on the subject, I seem to remember. He showed us the best technique to wash our face and upper body (!!!) in order to stimulate glands correctly. Sounds a bit far out, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he could be on to something.

I don't do yoga, but... By "glands" I assume he's talking about lymph nodes. Light "massage" (it's really more of a gentle stroking, just enough to move the skin) can help stimulate the lymphatic system to help keep fluid moving properly. Deep breathing, such as that done in yoga also helps.

I now have impaired lymphatic movement in my left arm, and I have a physical therapist who does lymphatic massage. It involves "stimulating" various areas high in nodes to get the fluid moving. She had also recommended doing things like washing, drying off, and applying lotion to that quadrant of my body with particular movements.

Your teacher may indeed be on to something. :)
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So does anyone have favourite poses for the morning? Most of the poses I do are hip openers and backbends, which I prefer to do at night. I'm thinking in the morning I should do something different but am not sure what.
Does anyone want to do another 30 day challenge? I really need to get back into it, I'm so out of the habit!

I was thinking about starting on Monday...
Does anyone want to do another 30 day challenge? I really need to get back into it, I'm so out of the habit!

I was thinking about starting on Monday...
I've never stopped! I have only missed a couple of days since the challenge began! Your challenge got me back into yoga in a big way, and a new studio is opening right down the street, so I will do more classes rather than tv. My abs and depression have both improved. :)
I like this one...I have the DVD. My problem is that I get bored very easily, so 12 minutes is perfect. I can do 12 min of yoga then 12 min of cardio and 12 min of Pilates, etc.

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I don't think I could do a 30 day challenge but I am starting my own challenge of visiting every yoga studio within a 1-hour radius of my place. It's time for me to experience different styles.

I just found a place that occasionally offers free intro classes. When I'm less distracted (I'm cooking right now) I plan to visit every yoga studio website to see which places offer which deals. I know at least one other place that has a pay by food donation once a week. I could go to classes more without spending much.
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I did a bit today. I found some on demand on cable. The one I did was a bit slower then I like. I have skipped way too many days.
Yally - i am going on holiday for a week, been doing nothing. So I am keen to start 30 day challenge when back from the 9th. My goal is to just relax and recharge this holiday and then when back start the challenge again, since i found out about my dads cancer I have been scared to return to yoga. I dont know why
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This morning I did 10 minutes when I woke up. I find that I have no choice but to do it when my lower back is bothering me. I did a few stretches for hips, hamstrings, and back.
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Tonight I did about 10 minutes. I've skipped class for the past two weeks, which is bad because I can feel my hips becoming tighter than usual. I'll have to go to class again this week, and continue stretching each day. I also did a few wall stretches for my chest muscles.
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I bought a yoga DVD :cool: it hasn't arrived yet and i'll have to get a yoga mat before it does! I bought the Shiva Rea beginner's DVD that was recommended in this thread. Never done anything like it before, but I dont like the idea of going to a class haha.
The thing that turns me off from yoga (and Tai Chi, and other similar exercises) is how to go about learning it. I feel that if I attempt to do something out of a book or video, I'll end up doing it wrong, which might end up screwing up my posture or something. And classes are either costly, or I have to find a good time to attend them, and I don't know which type of yoga would be the most beneficial to me. :woo:

It's not that I don't want to learn, it's just that I don't know how to go about doing it. I figure that it would benefit me more if I start sooner than later.